In forest green

book 15

I do walk

     in the forest green

upon the soft paths

     beneath towering trees



colorful birds

     around me sing

and rich full scents

     float upon the breeze


and at my side

     they do walk

our love is full

     and rich our dreams


and life is just

     like a perfect dream

exactly how

     I would have it be


and I do now

     shake my head

with rueful smile

     cease my daydream


the world I build

     within my mind

of castles white

     and damsels fair


like cotton candy

     of sugar spun

has no substance

     and will never be


for I do walk

     in landscape bare

and only dust

     is upon the breeze


no castle does

     lie upon this path

and no maiden fair

     does wait for me


my daydreams but

     are a fantasy

building disappointment

     that does await me


yet I would still

     this world escape

if there was some how

     to live with in my dreams



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