Silken chains

book 15

Silken chains


So long ago

     we were so young

and gave no thought

     to what might be


forever seemed

     so very clear

we were so sure

     of what would be


so many days

     we did dance

so many nights

     in joy were passed


and years did pass

     so slowly by

with little change

     by us seen


and yet somehow

     a day did come

where change did come

     so suddenly


tomorrow now

     we could see

and that our end

     it would bring


days of fear

     now we know

and nightmares do

     fill our nights


yet so slow

     the days do pass

grow into weeks

     and months too


and now somehow

     we would flee

to run away

     to another day


yet words do tie us

     and promises were made

and from them

     we cannot flee


the dark of night

     is growing near

and we do

     it’s coming fear


and yet somehow

     we too can see

another dawn

     another day


and for it

     we do long

and it too

     we would flee


yet we cannot

     forget the days

when we were young

     could not see today


though we have lost

     what we once knew

those days are lost

     and night has come


the love we knew

     still does blind

till does pass

     the coming night




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