Lost beginnings

book 15

Goosebumps rise on chilled flesh

     fine hair stirred by flowing breeze

tingling chill runs up the spine

     fear gives rise to pounding heart


eyes would pierce the dark of night

     starlight to faint with to see

feet to seek the path to take

     before the beginnings of the morning light


thin wisp of clouds within the night

     blur the stars in glittering night

thoughts half known now are lost

     unsure of what was once known


head does turn to have half sounds

     eyes do peer with unseeing

fear does give to unknown forms

     with roots of darkness that pierce the soul    


one does seek what must be

     that will come in morning light

in the dawning of new day

     then must one flee away


how to quest within the night

     with out knowledge to take flight

find the path that must be

     followed in the morning light


mist does form in chilling air

     as cold droplets kiss the skin

growing clouds obscure all sight

     cold dread is all that’s known




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