Coming Christmas

book 13

And I think

     that in few days

of the Christmas morn

     that we will see


memories I have

     so many of them

so many Christmases

     that I have seen


of snowless ones

     what I was a child

with my sled

     as I did search


dragging it down sidewalks

     pass the brown lawns

but with youthful hope

     that I did find snow


a Christmas morn’s

     spent with my love

with opened presents

     together shared


a treacherous trips

     in four-wheel-drive

through snowpacked streets

     clogged with cars


all the hopes

     and all the dreams

of gifts to be received

     and of gifts to give


in years past

     so long preparing

with homemade gifts

     that we would share


with our lists

     so carefully made

of all the places

     that we would go


all the people

     that we would see

all the presents

     that we would exchange


of all the joy

     and of all the parties

all of that

     but not this year


the day will come

     to an empty house

no trips will be had

     no gifts exchanged


a Christmas like

     none we’ve had before

with the hope

     the will not again


yet I will not

     forget the day

why we celebrate

     on Christmas Day





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