Green cycles

book 13

In warm dark moisture

     a small life stirring

growing upward

     into the light


a young tree growing

     fed by sunshine

rich moist soils

     and blowing breeze


winds would bend it

     droughts would kill it

broken limbs will scar it

     still it grows


years quickly fleeing

     decades mere moments

centuries passing

     growing high


bite of iron

     by fire formed

shaped by man

     an end to bring


it’s life taken

     it’s form reshaped

into beams

     for man to use


a house built

     to become a home

where families will live

     through passing time


long years passing

     by people using

becoming less valued

     till cast aside


stands abandoned

     no longer wanted

waiting for nature

     to reclaim


tools of steel

     by men welded

to reclaim what

     was once a tree


shaped again by

     sharp edge tools that

will redefine it

     to be reused


artists with vision

     for now redefine it

building a new with it

     to be used again


once a seedling

     slowly growing

seeking upward

     into the light


shaped by weather

     and seasons passing

and then by men

     a noble tree









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