Green meadow


Hand in hand in the morning light

     long shadows lie softly across the land

sunlight flows on us growing warm

     with the promise of what the day will bring


walking together in grasses so green

     flowers still closed from the night

birds still nesting and bees still rest

     waiting for warm golden sunlight


heartbeats quicken as warmth does grow

     together choosing where to be

to spread the blanket on which to be

     to lay out our picnic feast


warm golden sunlight lies down around

     in growing warm the blossoms do bloom

showing to all what lies within

     calling to them to come and be within


delicacies are spread to feast upon

     of all the things we belong to taste

sharing together in warm sunlight

     on grass is green among blossoms bright


bees do come to the flowers then

     pollen to bring and on nectar feast

tasting of blossom again and again

     cycle of life in golden sunlight


birds do sing their songs of joy

     all about our meadow feast

in warmth of sunlight

     in meadow green

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