Autumn trail


long dark fingers lie across

     a trail so deeply worn

as pale cold sun settles low

     and cooling breeze begins to flow


leaves high in the trees rustle so

     bright green fading to pale gold

softly gently a few to fall

     to the ground so far below


through many years this trail I walked

     in many seasons that change

so much of that which I do see

     and the deep feelings that it brings


a tiredness in autumn is

     even though much is still green

the vigor that was born in spring

     no longer here is seen


tall the trees that line the path

     reaching high into the light

and I do remember when

     they were just seedlings then


long ago in memories eyes

     I do remember then

looking on them so fondly

     and wondering what they would be


joyful wanderings when I was young

     through the growing trees

on this path quite new to me

     not knowing what I would find


within the woods warmth would grow

     as the sun it would ascend

and the shadows would shrink away

     and more fully here would shine


the woods here were then full

     with so much that to be seen

the promises of spring fulfilled

     so fully throughout these woods


I remember walking then

     on soft grass growing so green

through the softly wrestling trees

     beneath the warm blue


along the path so much life seen

     squirrels with bushy tails full

and the birds that flew so high

     how their songs did fill my days


flowers bloomed along the way

     and bees among them to fly

the sounds of life so softly heard

     did fill my every day


on the trail I did not walk alone

     others did travel there

and I would meet them along the way

     journeyed sometimes together we


finding there within the woods

     meadows with sunlight filled

tall green grasses waving in the breeze

     where together we could be


days together with laughter filled

     as together we were then

walking through the many trees

     among the flowers so bright


summers days did slowly cool

     as the sun sank lower down

life's fullness was slowly lost

     as it's warmth did slowly fade


my steps do now trod on fallen leafs

     lying golden upon the path

the fullness of green trees is lost

     as the leaves do softly fall


walking down this worn path

     remembering all that once was

how life then was so full

     though now more empty is


deeply worn this trail now lies

     though once so new it was

and I wonder at its change

     from its younger days






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