Be Open and Embrace Life

In the tapestry of time, where dreams entwine,

Let your heart's desire be a beacon to shine.

Seek the joyous path, let laughter flow,

In the garden of delight, let your spirit grow.


Be playful, like the breeze that dances free,

Let fun be the compass on your life's wide sea.

Laugh often, as the stars in twilight's embrace,

Find reasons to appreciate, in every place.


Practice the art of a grateful heart's beat,

Where wonder and joy in harmony meet.

For the Universe, with watchful eye,

Sees your practice, as days go by.


It offers you moments, like petals unfurling,

Opportunities for love, constantly swirling.

So, as you nurture this sacred art,

Your life blossoms, a masterpiece of heart.


Ever richer, ever brighter, with each passing day,

Your path illuminated in a wondrous array.

Feel good, be playful, and let laughter reign,

In the symphony of life, may joy remain.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

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