Listen Quietly

In stillness found, a truth profound,

As whispers of the world draw near,

"The quieter you become," they sound,

"The more you can, indeed, hear."


In tranquil hush, the senses keen,

To nature's secrets, they adhere,

A symphony of sights unseen,

The hidden melodies appear.


The rustle of the leaves above,

The murmurs of a brook so clear,

In silence, we discover love,

In quiet moments, we draw near.


The beating heart, a gentle thrum,

The softest breath, the slightest tear,

In stillness, life's sweet chorus hums,

Revealing truths when we draw near.


The mysteries of the cosmos vast,

The wisdom of the ancients, sheer,

To those who seek, in quiet, cast,

A deeper meaning, crystal clear.


For in the hush, the soul takes flight,

In silence, thoughts and doubts adhere,

The quieter you become, the light,

Of inner wisdom shall appear.


So let us learn, in tranquil grace,

To listen with an open ear,

For in the quiet's sweet embrace,

We find the truths we hold most dear.

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