The Magic of Dance

In twilight's tender, shimmering embrace,

The world adorned with stars' soft lace,

There lies a realm where souls take chance,

Unveiling hearts... the magic of dance.


With every step, a story spun,

Where shadows waltz, and dreams begun,

In rhythm's pulse, we find our way,

In the dance of night and break of day.


Feet whisper secrets on the floor,

A language pure, forevermore,

In twirls and leaps, we dare to fly,

Beneath the boundless, open sky.


The music's call, a siren's plea,

To lose ourselves, to set hearts free,

In partners' hold, in solo flight,

We dance through darkness into light.


In every beat, a heartbeat's song,

How every soul can find where they belong,

In joy and sorrow, we find our trance,

In the timeless magic of the dance.


So let the world fade to the side,

And let our spirits soar and glide,

For in the movement, life's mysteries prance,

In the endless, wondrous, magic of dance.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

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