Let Me Fall

Beneath the vast, unending sky, where dreams and daylight intertwine,

In whispered breath, a solemn vow, a journey through the realms of time.

"Let me fall, if I must fall," the heart proclaims amidst the strife,

For within the chasm deep and wide, lies the forge of a new life.


Upon the winds of destiny, where fates and fortunes dance and sway,

A soul embarks on paths unknown, with night's shadows or the day.

In the embrace of the abyss, where fear and hope doth closely meet,

A whisper in the tempest's howl, a promise none can unseat.


"Let me fall, for in the fall, a truth as ancient as the stars,

The one I am to yet become, beyond these temporal, fleeting scars.

With hands outstretched and eyes set firm, upon the horizon's endless glow,

Within the fall, a rise awaits, more grand than any heart could know."


So speaks the spirit, brave and bold, amidst the trials, the pain, the ache,

For in the fall, a lesson learned, a strength, a will no force can break.

The one who falls is not the same, who rises from the depths anew,

Transformed by time, by pain, by love, a soul reborn, both fierce and true.


And thus, the cycle ever turns, from light to dark, from earth to sky,

Each fall a step upon the path, each rise a way to fly.

"Let me fall, if I must fall," a chant for those who dare to dream,

For in the end, the one who falls, is caught by selves yet unseen.


So fear not the descent, nor the shadows that it may cast,

For each journey through the night, leads to the dawn at last.

"Let me fall, if I must fall," an anthem for the brave and free,

For the one I will become, in strength and love, will catch me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

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