She wants a chance

he puts her last
always thinks too fast
it's like they clash
he says "don't talk to me
unless I talk to you"
he rips her off the page
even though she was stuck with glue
he don't even care
her heart is black and blue
she knows everything
but still don't have a clue
she tries
everything to be heard
but there isn't a single word
she could say
for him to realize
he's the reason she cries
but he'll never see
a tear
come from either one of her eyes
he's never there
for her
thinks of himself
she feels like she's cursed
she's bout ready to burst
she don't know where to run
she don't know where to hide
everything has already been denied
she looks up to the sky
he hardly knows her
he only sees her every
couple of months
she could be out smokin
a bunch of blunts
he doesn't really care
he just looks at her with a little snare
it's hard for her to bare
but she keeps her love in disguise
yet he still knows she's not satisfied
that's why sometimes
she just says

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