For what Ive done.

Im sorry, love, for what ive done.

With those few words last night,

I think ive ruined something we had,

I wish we could try again,

I wish we could go back in time,

Freeze those moments of joy,

Those fleeting times that we both were happy.

But, this has to come to an end,

And come to an end it did,

Falling down,

Amidst the rain and the fog,

I walked away, I closed that door.

This wasnt your fault,

You came back the same,

I was the one who changed.

Our dreams once were so close to the others,

Now what we want is so different.

You have your life,

I have mine,

And know this, i wish they could be the same,

But nothing can be what it once was.

I tried to do what was right for us,

To let you go,

TO let you start anew,

Only to realize what a mistake i made.

But for this i cant apologize, only give my reasons.

My life has no room for anyone else,

You arent on the path to where i want to be,

Or who i want to be.

SO like the man with the cancerous leg,

I had to cut it off,

But trust me, i didnt want to.

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