
How quickly things turn for the worse,

How quickly we fall into ourselves.

Weve laid these traps,

Weve fallen into our own pits.

Sanity, a relative subject,

Sanity, built with my two hands,

Sanity brought on me, by me,

Whats mine is mine, and whats yours is yours,

So why is this insanity ours?

Failure was all i could bring to us,

Failure in me,

Failure with you,

You might even say failure was inside of me.

Dreams have become so evident,

Emotions are so transient,

Failures have become so sentient,

Pain has become all too relevant.

On anger i was too reliant,

My soul was a touch too defiant.

This feeling inside me, so malevolent,

This disease that has become me,

So malignant...

To you, i was never what i should have been.

Wasted potential has become all too essential.....

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