Strange man on the road,
thumbing a ride.
Haven't seen that in years!
Reminds me of the 1970's.
He's going somewhere.
He's taking his time.
Enjoying the distance he
has manifested.
Slowing down, offer a ride.
He gets in and smiles
with his teeth.
Just us,
two grown men,
in the front seat of my car.
Conversation limping.
We don't know each other.
"How you doing?"
"Where you going?"
the extent of my concern.
"Fine", he replied.
"Where-ever you are going"
So we drive on, him and I,
in isolated togetherness.
I let him off at the corner
of a busy downtown street.
Driving away, knowing
I'll never see him again,
I remember that I had
planned to seduce
him to the dark side.
Ah well, there will be others