
Unpublished pieces


Divorce is a street person
who rings the doorbell looking
for a hand-out. He enters
your home and moves through
the rooms as if he owns the place,
fingering your valuables
and eating your resentments.
Demanding special attention,
he tours your discontent
like an angry snake backed
into a corner.
He flings himself into
your bedroom, touching your
private parts with a disdain
that is almost impossible
to comprehend.
While you struggle to remain
composed and serene,
hastily trying to keep your clothes
on, he strips your dignity
with a callous smirk.
He mocks your carefully
prepared little world.
Knocking the timbers
that hold up your
emotional ceiling.
When he has done all
he feels he needs to do,
he moves on to his
next victim.
Divorce is a street person
who rings the doorbell looking
for a hand-out.
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