It's a rock and roll morning.
Drums and bongos setting off car alarms.
Dissident people screwing up their faces
in order to scare
away the psychotic zebras
who were playing naked
on the boulevard.
Impish devils gesturing in circles,
trying to convince the broken-hearted
to get up and join the
hand cream brigade.
Eat like a warrior and die like a cancer,
and throw away all the pictures
of wedding dresses on fire.
The national mood is one of great discomfort
to the better placed suit and tie people.
They flap their wings and mouth their assurances,
facing a growing number of
zipper cloned stains
which appear like clockwork upon the
jackets of the lame.
We can end anything.
Be anything.
Say anything.
We can drop our pants
and undo our bowels,
shitting out the party line
we've been conditioned to believe.