Shaking walls of light reflection dangle
perceptions within and without my ever
growing permission. Doggerel spewed
in increasing venues of deception as the
kettle boiled over and the water rushed
the truth. Danger flicks its metaphor across
the dirty house which contained the
last emblems of the tattered shirts worn
in the battle. Screaming voices filled the air
and the children dashed about in obvious
signs of terror. Jewelled hands can hold
only half the true rejection while the
radio blares its dejection upon the
deeply stained water glass. There are
fresh oranges on the table which will
be smashed as the ceiling crumbles into
pieces around the wedding photograph.
Inside the television the man was talking
about the incidence of obese animals
running through the zoo and the bells
start to ring as the opera singer sings
the end of the melody she learned as
a young girl. There are spiders glistening
in the rafters waiting for their chance
to spin their webs around the tension
that has developed. Martyrdom is
called for in the never ending drama
unfolding in the aluminum box, and the
dungeons are opening in excitement
anticipating the prisoners of love that
shall be deposited within. Wailing pain
permeates the very walls and so the call
begins for reinforcements as the dogs
begin to bark. In the dust, only hate.