Worms In The Morning

Published Works

Fluttering of wind, so soft and flattering,
caresses my skin in the morning light.
so tender it seems as if it is barely there.
so soft it reminds me of the touch of a
child's hand upon my face.
I reach my eyes over the morning sun,
watching the silence of the morning,
as it erupts into the busyness of day.
Worms are on the sidewalk. It had
rained the night before. Their writhing
bodies glistening in mucus as they
undulated in patterns known only
to them. Birds circled overhead
seeking breakfast, glad that the rains
had provided them food. Swooping
down they collected the still writhing
bodies of the worms, who were unable
or unwilling to offer resistance. How
like people the worms are! Wiggling
on our sidewalks as we pretend that
the birds are not flying overhead.
Mucus filled minds that create passions
of horror which will be explained
away by personal points of views.
I bend down to the ground and pick
up one of the worms, feeling its slime
upon my hand. It reminds me of the
people whose lives I have crossed.
All of us expressing our slime in
words of honey, yet our minds deep
with the mud we have crawled from.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Published in "P&W", Jan. 2010

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