You excite me. You please me.
You titillate and tease me.
Your words are so beautiful
And your thoughts are exquisite -
Myriad jewels and pearls
Which brilliantly revisit.
Silver threads of happiness
Stitch to me written caress
I, too, feel your sweetest smile,
Bless that loneliness has left.
I return your wish of love
Prism, leave me not bereft.
Dearest man, you are so brave-
Other men would rant and rave.
You have learned to flow with life,
To let all aspects enter.
Every pore is filled with gems -
They're dripping from your centre.
You excite me. You please me.
You titillate and tease me.
Your thoughts are so beautiful
And your words are exquisite -
You roil up my feelings.
I think this is love. Is it?