Give Yer Momma A Hug

Come and see yer Momma, my boy.

Come greet her real pretty.

Come and show her what ya have learned

Livin' in the city.

Don't hang back. Come right here, boy.

Give yer Momma a hug.

Show her ya still remember her.

Give the heart strings a tug.

So what if yer wearin' a suit?

I know yer still my son!

Are ya feelin' awkward, my boy?

Yer not the only one.

This is me. It's the way I am!

Am I too plain fer you?

Take a good look, fer I'm yer roots

As you are from here too.

It feels so good to hug ya , son

And feel ya hug me back.

Never be ashamed of yer past.

Of love there was no lack.

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