I'm Being Stalked

I'm being stalked by a sea gull.

Its long yellow beak barbed with black

Looks cruel as any weapon.

I'm not about to turn my back.

By gosh! I am surrounded

By more than one white and grey bird,

Their sculpted feathers raised high

As they screech loudly to be heard.

Surprise! Here's a grey pigeon-

Iridescence on its body-

Pecking amongst the sea gulls.

Its short beak seems almost shoddy.

Well, if a pigeon is safe

Amid cruel predators so bold

I'll not stay here like a waif

Wishing to come in from the cold.

I shall now assert my claim-

"Shoo! Scat! Be gone! Take off! Blow!

I was here first. It's my spot!"

Egad! Do I now hear a crow?

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