The tree stump sits elegantly
In its patch of the garden,
Proudly supporting a bird house,
A small statue and fungi
In sartorial splendour.
Weathered, roughened bark
Twists around this aged stump-
Texture adding such interest
And character that I am fascinated
By the wrinkled, furrowed oldster.
Oh, the tales that it could relate
Of when it was a young sapling
Experiencing the seasons' joys,
The rising sap each spring,
The heady life rushing through its limbs!
Each season held its splendours
And it fully experienced all,
Bearing witness to Nature surrounding it
In all phases - flora and fauna:
Grandpère Arbre, overseer.
Ancient stump - you still have a function.
You - truncated, craggy, gnarled
Still support the surrounds beautifully
And add to the ambiance of the yard
And my life.