Sardonic Wit

Sardonic humour is the accusation

I guess that is not really defamation

Just the resulting huge accumulation

And dissemination of information.

Such debris!

Time to clean the house, empty the attic bare

Let sunlight mingle with that tingling fresh air

Rip up those old memories, smile when they tear

Throw those old boxes of bad news down the stair

Such debris!

Yes, it' s a lot of work- some of it quite hard

A lot of those things I'm still prepared to guard.

Get rid of it all, every last shred and shard

All of it has to go, shove it and discard

Such debris!

It's not something to do in just one day

Although bit by bit seems the indulgent way

Perseverance will prevail, don't let muck stay

Reward is the pleasure of welcome word play

Such debris!

Now my attic's scoured, my house is so clean

There are no words left to tease and self-demeen

You should see it now - a lean humour machine

Although my wit seems halved, it is still quite keen

No debris?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

-inspired by that colourful New Jersey heat seeker

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