Rejected, dejected, swallowed up in dark gloom.
It's pretty darned tough to pull out
No matter how hard and how assiduously
He tries to gloss over self doubt.
He is so good at his job and so capable
Head hunters would try to lure him.
He's top flight in achievement, and all his skills!
As yet nothing can enure him
To their damnable blindness, giving him no chance
To talk with them and so reveal
His intelligence and his great abilities,
His hunger to work, and his zeal!
I'd like to go walk right in on some director
And tell him straight out what a fool-
What a pea-brained and discombobulated jerk-
He is, to play such dirty pool.
Yes, the economy and the worry of war
May to him be over-riding
But why cut off your nose, to spite your face, Business?
'Needs must when devil is driving?'
Downsizing! Downsizing! How dare they just cancel
A good man's bright shining career!
Oh, give me a chance to speak vociferously!
I'll put a good bug in their ear.
Callous fools!
I'll put in a word as I'm near.
Stupid oafs!
I'll make my position quite clear.
Foul pigs!
He is the one man you need here!!
Do you hear?