Prochoice Prolife


Prochoice Prolife


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“Starseed Transmissions: One never
has enough data to assign value to any action.”


1. The world is estimated to reach nine billion humans in population
by 2040. How many trees will be left standing? How many animals’ habitats will have been destroyed?
Will the violent weather patterns increase exponentially from the crushing human tread on the planet?

2. Children born to parents who did not choose and do not want them are more likely to be beaten, sexually abused, neglected. Other babies
are thrown into dumpsters or given to neglectful foster homes whose bottom line is money.

3. Should women be instructed about their bodies by celibate priests? Should the predominantly male governments of Romania, Spain or other countries insert themselves in decisions over the autonomy of
women over their own bodies? Many women believe no government nor hospital
nor religious hierarchy of males should have sovereignty
over women’s bodies.

4. When a Catholic hospital chooses to sacrifice a mother’s life to save an unborn child… is that murder? Many Catholic hospitals are refusing to give abortions to women with fallopian tube pregnancies.

5. Pregnancy is still sometimes a cause of death for the mother from breach births, toxemia, placental abruptions, hospital MRSA etc. Does anyone have the right to force a woman to risk her life?

6. Those who claim that aborting a first trimester foetus takes away forever the chance of human birth are unaware. One woman who’d had 3 abortions went to a counselor with the gift of spiritual prophecy who said to her never having met her or known of her ‘A soul has knocked on your door three times. The fourth time you will let him in.’ Those who are aware of reincarnation (something not banned in Christian sects for many centuries) know that no abortion is murder… only the delay of the entrance of a soul onto a human stage.

7. The time at which a soul enters a body… can be at conception, the quickening of the first heart beat, often in the 5th month, or at birth. No one but God can say when a soul enters a body.

8. Attending a mass in New Hampshire, a woman heard a priest pray that all human life is sacred. She stood up and said ‘The life of all creatures is sacred.’

9. How often the 5 ‘prolife’ Supreme Court judges, governors, senators etc. vote money for bombing others, ratify judicial murder, eat the flesh of murdered mammals, suffocated fishes.. The term ‘prolife’ is very narrow for such people.

10. How many ‘spiritual’ teachers who preach prolife are silent about the abortions by bomb
of their governments, governments involved in the murder of pregnant women by drones.

11. Priests have counseled women with a dozen children, unfaithful nonproviding violent alcoholic husbands, that to divorce them would be a sin. These women are never free to pursue the true destiny of their hearts’ labors of love.  Their husbands often die sooner than the average life expectancy from lives of constant drudgery in jobs they hate trying to support the load of many offspring.

12. Alcoholic or drug abusing Women, women with AIDS, syphilis, etc.,
women beaten during pregnancy, have children
who start off their lives with physical injuries and crippling handicaps.
Often the brains of these babies are smaller because of nerve tissue

13. Jesus made no recorded comment about abortion but Jesus often condemned the hypocrisy and judgmental ways of the Pharisees.

14. Some males even want women whose pregnancies come from rape or incest to be forced to give birth.

15. The Catholic Pope says contraception is a sin. Are not many priests involved in voluntary contraception by refraining from sex?

16. Polls indicate that a majority oppose third trimester abortions… and support first trimester
abortions.. with no majority either way regarding 2nd trimester abortions.

17.  Daughters of fundamentalist parents or controlling judgmental parents have often been beaten or shunned by those parents when their pregnancy is discovered.

18. Marriages and families can be destroyed by a husband’s
fathering a child with a woman not his wife.

19. Because the Catholic hierarchy in the US has algined itself with the ostensibly prolife G W Bush and G H W Bush as well as countless Republican prowar senators, there have been wars initiated in Iraq and Afghanistan.

20. Latino, African, and Muslim countries are having more children per person than many other countries.

- S N Shriver-

This poster has never had an abortion, but has not
faced the crippling poverty and abuse that many
women have.