prairie chickens vs hunters and ranchers


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With the help of ranchers and hunters,
 the Clear Channel network and ABC Disney, both of which make billions in advertising drawn and quartered animal parts,
 continue their campaign to wipe out species
 including tortoises of Nevada and prairie chickens,
 whose population was once in the millions and is now
 18,000.  National Public Radio is advertising the Nature
 Conservancy as well as using their spokespersons as guests,
 despite the sad truth that the Nature Conservancy has, under
 Henry Paulson of Goldman Sachs and former US Secreary of the
 Treasury, turned its wildlife sanctuaries into cattle to slaughter operations.
The attorney general of Oklahoma, whose senators Inhofe and Coburn
sponsored the unconstitutional AETA Act, is a pawn of ranchers and is
actively opposing the protecion of endangered prairie chickens.

Ranchers have helped to destroy the fragile semidesert environment which has

'stolen the morning dew and created blast furnace winds' with 4 years of drought.
Hunters have nearly made
 bison extinct with their
 bloodletting religion.
 They've erased the Carolina
 parakeet from the earth
 and blasted the passenger pigeon.
 While these innocents' souls
 rose to God
 their bodies were sent
 to realms stygian.
Many have described the 'flocking' behavior
 of the Carolina Parakeet. Like dolphins
 they would not leave their hunter-injured
 fellows and so their
 demise was accelerated.

  -saiom shriver-

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