American fast food reaches Africa
Why were American children the world's fattest while our trees are skinny?
But the tide is turning. Americans are beginning to lose weight despite:
1. The dairy lobby is federally subsidized.. 1/4 billion annually.. to promote
milk designed to make a calf into a 1000 pound animal in a few months.
This food was not designed for human beings.
2. Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac and other tv advertised and heavily marketed antidepressants cause long term
weight gain. The great majority not taking prescription drugs are subjected to
these compounds which contaminate the water supply from the urine of those programmed to take the drugs.
Tranquilizers like valium, antiinflammatories like prednisone and antiseizure medications
also cause long term obesity.
3. The food advertised is high animal protein and animal fat food.. which isocaloric studies by Mervyn Hardinge MD (while at Harvard before he like Mad Cow discoverer Prusiner left that institution because of its meat investments)
indicate will make a nonvegetarian 23 lbs. heavier than a vegan after 3 months given the same number of daily calories. Conversely, the Atkins and other high animal protein diets cause a sudden weight loss. Then participants reach a plateau and cannot lose further weight. Atkins died weighing around 260 pounds
after a cerebral stroke which caused his fall. One cheeseburger (promoted by pawns of the meat industry diets)
has 1370 calories.
4. parents who allow a lifestyle of tv and internet without exercise sunlight and fresh air
5. some school systems still have Coke, Pepsi and other high sugar colas in vending machines
6. USDA dominated school lunch programs promote trash animal products, with little in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables.
7. The WIC program (Women Infant Children of the animal agribusiness dominated USDA) is another dairy subsidy
giving the poor obesity engendering dairy products.
8. Convenience stores and gas stations sell junk cola, potato and corn chips, candy bars, cows' milk and no fruit and vegetables.
9. Small farmers and their markets are forced out of business by chain stores with the help of the USDA.
10. The Food Network, The Rachael Ray Show, and other
tv shows for their multi tirllion dollar
meat fish and dairy agribusiness
clients promote cooking with
carcinogenic, stroke engendering
high fat foods. Rachael Ray would
throw bacon on icecream if she
could as she shills for NY butchers.
The Swedish dairy lobby of Minnesota
and Wisconsin, represented by
the Diebold installed Senator Coleman as
well as Feingold and Kohl and with the constant ads of Minnesota
"Public" Radio
promotes a racist disregard for the
natural milk intolerance of Africans,
Asians and other cultures. In addition, a Vermont tv stations has
a weekly ice cream promotion show, despite the correlation of
hormone containing icecream to prostate, uterine, cervical, and
breast cancer.
12. Despite objections from the
European Union, American agribusiness
has forced its way in giving
female hormones and water retainers
to animals, with the dosage upped
before slaughter. These hormones
and water retention chemicals
continue to act in humans, causing
weight gain and planting cancer
13, Decadent gorging on the murdered
causes waste, obesity, animal agony,
and in some cases choking
14. Alcohol is fattening and causes
teen and other deaths, cirrhosis
of the liver, busted families,
domestic battering etc. yet Coors,
funder of the warpromoting Heritage
Foundation, also advertises alcohol
on radio
as early as 11 am on weekdays
15. The cultures in which people
absorb the most sunlight tend
to be the most slender. The energy
of the sun replaces the inferior
energy of food. It comes in numberless
frequencies, each body taking
what he or she likes. Americans do
not stay in the sun as much as many
other cultures.
In addition Americans adopted the
English fatmaking breakfast, high
in meat and dairy, not the
French breakfast. France has
a low average weight.
Americans are subjected to more food ads than any other people.. Fast
food ads have accounted for over 100 billion in advertising revenue.
A Canadian study reports that tv watchers eat more than non tv watchers.
18. We may be addicted to coffee,
but it is for many an appetite
Corporations, grocery chains,
and a very
strong restaurant association
have saturated many foods with
gratuitous fattening and toxic
animal products.
Farmers' associations, 4H clubs, Oscar Mayer
program children. School curricula are sometimes created
by the dairy lobby. School lunches are animal product laden.
20. Judge Holwell and other
unelected judges have sided
with the fast food industry
in rulings on calorie postings,
liability of fast food chains for fat etc
21. A liver filled with poisonous molecules such
as insecticide, preservative, hormone and other residues
is less able to burn fat.
22. The animal flesh industry through illegal corporate influence
in the NY and other schools sponsors social studies courses
which promote animal flesh, studies promoted by the
school administration and even the teachers' unions which
historically resisted corporate influence. These courses
make children fatter, and the 'nutrition' taught is full of lies.
The meat industry also secretly funds books such
as The Compassionate Carnivore.
23. Writers such as Nina Planck, nutritionists from meat
invested schools such as Columbia, Harvard, Univesity of
Texas, and deceased animal protein promoters who died
before their life expectancy should have been (Dr Atkins,
Dr Stillman, etc) have been paid or programmed to promote
purloined animal flesh.
24. Rising food prices as money is diverted from America
to bombing babies overseas has put fresh fruits and vegetables
out of the reach of many.
25. Poverty creates overeating
a people eat to reduce stress which creates a cycle
of depression
b. people eat to stay warm
c the more healthful foods are sometimes
priced beyond reach
d the poor for the most part cannot walk on beautiful
stretches of beach, nor get to exercise spas
26. Around the world, midnight shift work is 1 factor
in obesity. Many never feel totally rested and eat in
the mistaken notion food will erase the problem.
27. Bouts of anger make the heart beat and breaths rapid
and dump adrenalin into the bloodstream, stimulating
28. A recent study indicated that the average French person takes
an hour more time to eat than an American..
with leisurely meals in community. He stated
that 'slow food' is better than 'fast food' in weight
29. Not just the BBC's series and American tv
are responsible... but authors like Jeffery Deaver
who sprinkle their texts with obesity engendering
animal flesh references.
30. Some grocery chain stores have Rachael Ray...
forcefeeding the airwaves' captive audience with obesity engendering, leukemia-sparking
high cholesterol and animal protein foods (called by the China Study
the chief cause of cancer)
1. exercise more
2. eat fewer calories (a journey
of a 1000 miles begins with
a single abstention from biting)
3. eat more fruits and vegetables
(vegans weigh 23 lbs less than
nonvegetarians and 11 lbs
less than vegetarians after 3 months
in isocaloric studies)
4. eat more uncooked food (more fiber
... more food eliminated)
5. when faced with a mental stimulus
to eat...
some go out and walk
6 others repeat their favorite one of
the infinite names of God
7. still others believe the illusion
of hunger is thirst.. and drink
much water
8. Salt retains water in the body,
adding to weight. Lemon juice
dressings are one salt substitute.
9. Caffein stimulates the appetite
10. Shop when not hungry.
11. keep a log of what is eaten
and the estimated calories
12. Community is necessary.
Overeaters often isolate themselves.
13. The emotional support of Overeaters Anonymous
is important to many
14. Others say... why sit in a meeting talking about food
.. making yourself hungry... when you could be exercising it off />did=196751
1. Alcohol and cigarette ads have been banned on tv. Animal flesh
and products cause more deaths annually than tobacco, alcohol, war,
traffic deaths combined. It's time to ban tv, radio, and billboard advertising
of meat, dairy and fish which cause cancer, heart disease, stroke,
food poisoning, kidney dysfunction, arthritis etc.
2. Count calories. Set a daily limit. Keep a log of calories eaten.
3. Be informed about the greedy pharmaceutical, germ ridden hospital,
and multitrillion dollar animal agribusiness connections of the CDC
which through Atlanta's prosecutor persecutor Boring has
crucified a vegan couple while ignoring the millions of deaths
annually from animal products.
1. American agribusiness allow
carcinogenic female hormones made
by Merck and other companies to
be given to cows and other animals.
The European Union banned these
hormones because of their known
cancer causing properties, as the
US government long ago banned
diethylstilbestrol. However multitrillion
dollar animal abusers took the EU
to the WTO, a servant of moneyed
interests, which ruled against
people's health.
2. Dairy products cause a mucus
lining of the respiratory tract, creating
colds, flu, etc.
3. Salmonella, brucellosis are 2
of thousands of diseases from animal
4. Food poisoning: 97% of all
food poisoning fatalities are animal
product related, reported Knight
Why are our trees skinny?
The regime dominated Forest Service
has caused the logging in some
places 3! times of the people's trees.
Cows' milk is worst for the animals,
humans and earth. Soymilk is
better but is still a factor in
deforestation. Almond milk, coconut
milk etc. are best for animals, humans,
In Chino California
6500 cows
suffocated as they
sank into the mud
In North Dakota untold
numbers froze and
suffocated in
20 foot high snow drifts.
In southern Ohio
a cow slipped on mud.. her back legs
went both ways.. she was split up
the middle and left there over
several days to die
In Maryland cows
are electroshocked away
from their babies.. stolen
to be butchered as veal
In Vermont cows have
infection encrusted udders
as they bleed from
milking machines
In Kentucky, a downed
cow was kicked repeatedly
and pulled off the truck
with ropes
In West Virginia, a truck
filled with cows was in
an accident. 75 cows
spilled down the mountainside.
In Colorado, the
winter wind rips through
the slats at 81 mph
as the
slaughterhouse bound animals
huddle iin trucks speeding
through mountain passes.
In Texas, trains full
of cowssuffocating from
heat.. have downers
.. 4 d animals..
dead dying diseased
At New York's "stock"
exchange they
hide the truth
of Mad Cow
to try to protect
the Mad Cow Dow
In Kansas untold
millions of cows have
frozen in blizzards
In Wisconsin, after
a lifetime of giving
a lifetime of slavery
exhausted old "milk" cows
are sent to slaughter
for fast food chain hamburgs.
In Minnesota, 'dairy' cows
are given food (not feed..
a chauvinist term) with
animal products in it..
causing Mad Milk.
In Oklahoma cows'
ears are stapled with numbers
In Wyoming, bulls
are castrated
In Iowa the smoke
from the branding irons
of cows rises to God
and asks for mercy
In the land around
Yakima Washington
.. lived a 4 year old
little girl.. what
was the name of this
little "mad cow"?
What have been the names
of the billions of cows
who have gone to their deaths
terrified in Illinois?
In Pennsylvania pharmaceutical
labs calves were slashed..
and smallpox sprayed
on their gashes
in a few weeks the gashers
come back
and plane off the scab.. and grind it into powder..
powder which contained BLV or bovine leukemia virus
.. the same disease as HTLV except in a different species
In Calgary, little calves
are slammed to the ground
their necks and legs breaking
in a rodeo called the Calgary
In every state in the union
cows are electroshocked,
are bleeding, are kicked,
are pulled off trucks
are pulled from their babies
(Thank yo to EB for the midnight shift information)
Edited by sb11, 10 August 2011 - 04:39 PM.
#2 [Meat Dairy and Fast Food Make Americans Fattest Nation: post #2] sb11
Advanced Member
38201 posts
Posted 23 May 2007 - 02:52 AM
There are tens of thousands of diseases caused by the consumption of
the flesh of animals. The USDA listed slightly over 100 in the early
part of the 20th Century, but as knowledge has increased and toxic
pollutants have saturated the environment, the number has increased.
PERITONITIS When George Wallace was shot, he never completely healed
from peritonitis caused by the bullet ripping through his intestinal
tract after he had just eaten a hamburger. The bullet carried colon
bacteria throughout the body.
GANGRENE The downed cows passed into the human meat supply by
the corrupt USDA are often gangrenous.
PUTREFACTION: Like any corpse, animal flesh (meat) deteriorates after
death. Even when the cadaver is frozen, creiophilic bacteria
multiply. (see below) The inability of the body efficiently to digest
animal flesh is a cause of appendicitis. When the animal flesh is
heated, thermophilic bacteria develop. Dr John Harvey Kellogg found
that billions of ecoli
bacteria multiply in the body after the animal is dead a few hours.
The phrase ecoli-contaminated is redundant since all animal flesh is
contaminated by ecoli or colon bacteria.
GELATIN a name for the ground up bones of animals.. which
can contain Mad Cow frequent brand name Jello
MAD MILK ETC Dr Stanley Prusiner went to the
University of California from Harvard to receive more priority for
his prion work, which won a Nobel Prize. Mad Cow proteins can
incubate for 50 years said the World Health Organization's
communicable disease division on the CBC. (Gelatin containing Mad Cow
is found in jello, gelcaps, soaps, toothpastes, soups etc. Vegans are
catheterized much more seldom than nonvegans. However if by chance a
vegan is unconscious and catheterized against her will, often the
gels used against her will are animal derived.
The 5th Circuit has just upheld Howard Lyman after Amarillo cattlemen
sued him. The Court held the truth is not libelous.
HEPATITIS The second cause of hepatitis is the consumption
of coprophagous (waste-eating) shellfish (lobsters, clams,
shrimp etc.) Raw sewage is dumped into the Atlantic and Pacific from
several cities. Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver.
Dick Gregory: eating liver is like eating the filter from a car.
. THE PRIONS cause cancer. Prion diseases include CJD, Creutzfeld-
Disease, GSS Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome, FFI, Fatal
Familial Insomnia,
Kuru, a disease cannibals contract from eating human brains, (as
contract Mad Cow, Mad Deer and other diseases from being fed other
animals' parts),
Alpers Sydrome
STARVATION from the most inefficient food production system of all (100 to 1000
lbs. an acre.. in comparison to 450,000 lbs an acre for fruit and nut tree gifts
GLOBAL HEATING DROUGHT FLOOD The UN, the British government, Indian scientists have
published many studies pointing to animal agriculture as one of the 5 major
causes of the deforestation which is heating and freezing the world.
ENERGY WASTE A lb. of meat takes over 81 times the production energy of a lb of
fruit. It is possible to make a hole with the forefinger in the ground, put in a peach or
apple or almond seed, and come back in a few years to pick up the presents given
by the sun and rain, mother earth and seed. vegan John Robbins, author
of Diet for A New America..
Getting the blues from the adrenalin saturated stilled red blood
of animals. What is a terrorist? Someone who causes terror to powerless
#3 [Meat Dairy and Fast Food Make Americans Fattest Nation: post #3] sb11
Advanced Member
38201 posts
Posted 23 May 2007 - 02:44 PM
As Bush-Obama spend 105 billion (not including illegal bombing of Libya) a month on 3 wars and drive Americans into poverty,
trash meats are marketed more than ever to
sports fans and to the poor.
What do Progressive Insurance of billionaire Peter B Lewis,
Subway, First Energy, and WTAM have in common? They
are all aggressively advertising the most dangerous, most
carcinogenic, filthiest food (hot dogs) for children.
Jay Leno: They put pig uteri in
those hotdogs.
Female Hormones Why? So the animals will gain waterweight before being
butchered.. and make more profit.These hormones are banned in Europe because
they cause prostate, uterine ovarian cervical and breast cancers.
Sodium Nitrate: red dye no. 2 forms with animal proteins in the stomach to make
carcinogenic nitrosamines.
is put in hotdogs to cover the brown, the grey, the green of rotting flesh and
of the intestines. Now it is found that these nitrosamines block the flow of
blood to the brain.
What Are Natural Casings? Some hotdogs come with an NC on the package, standing
for natural casings.
Natural casings are the actual intestinal links of the butchered animal, and are
like everything else
saturated with ecoli or colon bacteria. Creiophilic bacteria, cold loving,
survives freezer temperatures. Thermophilic bacteria, heat loving, can survive a
300 degree oven for several hours. Microwaving
flesh at much higher temperatures
creates carcinogens even more dangerous.
Lips Snouts Ground Up Hooves Eyelashes Tails Mad Cow and Mad Pig Spinal Cords
and brain tissue, ground up uteri, eyeballs, intestinal mucosa,
and other slop from Slaughterhouse Floor When profiteers say some hot dogs have
everything but the squeal,
(or shrieks) they can be taken literally. Howard Lyman got a spinal tumor from
eating the meat of animals on his 4th generation Montana cattle farm. He
promised God that if he recovered (he was told he would never walk again) he
would end ranching. He began to tell the world about the animals fed to other
animals.When he described this on Oprah Winfrey's show, they were both sued by
Amarillo cattlemen. The 5th Circuit recently upheld them, saying the truth is
not libelous.George Bush
recipient of Amarillo and other feedlot money, refused to answer questions about
this case when running unsuccessfully to win a majority of US votes in 2000.
Oh I'd Love to Be An Oscar Mayer Wiener is a lie by ad execs. In reality 1100
pigs an hour were butchered in Madison Wisconsin. The sound they make would rend
any heart which is why slaughterhouses have the most turnover of any occupation.
The kicking terrified animals make slaughterhouse and deep fishing the 2 most
dangerous occupations. Oscar Mayer with its Oscar Mobile is guilty of criminal
child endangering as it promotes leukemia and food poisoning engendering food
and helps make American children
the fattest in the world. The Minnesota Dept of Health says to give a child rare
meat is like driving your child 95 mph down a road.
(from an Iowa Oscar Mayer abbatoir)
Ralph Nader who is not yet a vegetarian.. said he would never
eat a hot dog and wrote about why.
A meatcutter in upstate NY said although he was not a vegetarian
he would never eat coldcuts or hot dogs.
George Bernard Shaw once asked a man with a meatless plate next to him if he was
like Shaw a vegetarian. The man replied.. I wasn't til I became a meat inspector.
Why is red dye in hot dogs?
to cover up rotting brown and
grey and the
green of gangrene
the red of died blood
the white of mucus pools
AP.. for Animal Protein which becomes
the Amyloid Plaque of senility
while female hormones in meat
make reduced sperm and sterility.
Buns are hot dog cadaver coffins
Antibiotic resistance from hiding
cow coughin
Adrenalin from mammals' frozen
as most are unable to escape
knives in flight
* http://www.scienceda...90705215239.htm
* http://www.businessi...nk-goop-2010-10
PLEASE POLYPOST: (1000 vegan MD's)
Blood, trioxypurine, adrenalin, cholesterol, prions, fecal matter, colon bacteria, toxoplasmosis, trichinosis, insecticides, female hormones, antibiotics, mercury, arsenic, chromium, polychlorinated biphenols, no vitamin C, no natural bulk, senility, sterility, cancer, anthrax, lead, Mad Cow, Mad Deer, impotence, fly dung, smallpox, tularemia, Alzheimer's, alcoholism, addiction
. THE BLOOD is called juice after its chemical nature changes from cooking.
. SWEAT OR PRE URINE is uric acid or trixoypurine.. more addictive than caffein (dioxypurine). It is the primary cause of arthritis and rigidity as it crystallizes into needles jabbing the joints. Uric acid would have been eliminated by the animal's muscle cells had she not been butchered. Carnivores have 5 times the kidney size per pound of body weight.
. TEARS THE ADRENALIN secreted by terrorized animals survives
cooking.. since it is a protein enzyme.. only some of whose links are broken.. it is the ingestion of anger, terror, and agony. Such meat adrenalin has been correlated to violence. A recent Maryland prison study reported reduced violence in those eating vegetables. Ingesting meat causes the body to be a constant state of unnatural alert.
. THE FECES poured out by terrorized animals has traces of ecoli or colon bacteria.. not only their own waste but that of other cows on which they often slip as they are being skinned alive at Iowa Beef Processors or other sites. Dr. John Harvy Kellogg, affiliated in the last century with Kellogg cereals found that after a few hours ecoli (colon or intestinal bacteria) can multiply into the billions. As trillions of gallons of fecal matter are dumped into the waterways, ecoli or colon bacteria based infections are coming to vegetarians as well as nonvegetarians.
. ALzheimer's Disease is caused by ALcohol, cooking with ALuminum, and the prions in ALlanimal protein.
. The animal fat in meat clogs cerebral arteries.
(Wm Shakespeare in "Twelfth Night": "He is a heavy eater of beef. Methinks it doth harm to his wit." )
Male children of meateating mothers have fewer sperm. The kind
shall inherit the earth.
C is in no animal products.. It speeds up the flow of brain snyapse
messages and promotes connective tissue in the skin, said two time
Nobel Laureaute Linus Pauling, who
defined an orthomolecule as a molecule in fruit. C is a toxin bouncer.
Animal fat clogs the arteries causing heart attacks and strokes,
which are the single major cause of death in the world. Meat deaths
per year outdo alcohol, tobacco, and accidents combined. It is not
just the animal fat in meat which causes this, but the uric acid
(trioxypurine) is an unnatural stimulant, as is the adrenalin enzyme.
Adrenalin mobilizes the body for fight or flight. Meateating puts the
body in a constant state of stress.
Countries with the highest meat consumption have the highest rates of
intestinal cancer. Canada, Australia, the US, Argentina, and Chile
are some of these. Meat has no natural
bulk and causes a constipation which leads to total blockage.
OVERWEIGHT: Dr Mervyn Hardinge working at an Ivy League university
found that vegans weigh 23 lbs. less than nonvegetarians while dairy
vegetarians weigh 12 lbs. less. Fruitarians weighed least. In the 3
month study, the groups were
all given the same number of calories per day. The increased bulk and
lack of constipating flesh in vegetarian and vegan diets is a factor.
bioterrorism all originate in the consumption of animal flesh or
contact with their skins (hides, leather making, wool sorters'
disease) The USDA which protects the multi trillion dollar
meat industry while attempting to prevent diversity in fruit seeds
from entering the country attributes only 700 deaths in animals to
anthrax last year (500 in Texas) while virtually only NBC reported
the anthrax in November 2001 in 21 California cows.
Susan Miller, voice specialist with Georgetown Univ Hosp (a
vivisecting institution) has spoken of the rigidity of vocal chords
caused by dioxypurine (caffeine). Trioxypurine (uric acid in meat) is
even more damaging.
An environmental magazine reported in Jan of 73 that the longest
lived people in the world were the 3 vegetarian tribes: Villcabamba
of Ecuador, Hunzas of Tibet & Pakistan and Azerbaijans or Abkhasians
of the Caucusus. In June of 2002 NPR reported Abkhasians
118 years old, on a vegetarian diet. All have many centenarians.
Conversely the shortest lived
people are Inuit males subsisting primarily on animal flesh and fat
and fish flesh.
There are polychlorinated biphenols even in the livers of polar
bears. The country with the most vegetarians in percentage and
numbers is India. The United Kingdom, Thailand and Israel
have higher than average percentage of vegetarians.
AMYLOID PLAQUE a biproduct of meateating correlated to ALzheimer's
Disease as are ALcohol and cooking with ALuminum
are created when animal flesh is heated above 300 degrees, but
below 300 degrees trichinella worms in pig flesh and myriad
food poisoning, colon bacteria and other bacteria await.
Edited by sb11, 14 June 2011 - 07:17 PM.
#4 [Meat Dairy and Fast Food Make Americans Fattest Nation: post #4] Horseman
Registered User
18415 posts
Posted 23 May 2007 - 05:52 PM
Cause their parents are the fattest...
#5 [Meat Dairy and Fast Food Make Americans Fattest Nation: post #5] MirZemlyu
Registered User
266 posts
Posted 24 May 2007 - 11:25 PM
Because America is a fat country.. When i went to the United States I was amazed and i thought to myself how can a person become so big? What do they have to eat? Unbelievable. Useless people.
#6 [Meat Dairy and Fast Food Make Americans Fattest Nation: post #6] DownWithFascism
Registered User
11850 posts
Posted 25 May 2007 - 08:50 AM
Originally posted by MirZemlyu
Because America is a fat country.. When i went to the United States I was amazed and i thought to myself how can a person become so big? What do they have to eat? Unbelievable. Useless people.
Americans eat far too many McBlimpburgers. :2cents:
#7 [Meat Dairy and Fast Food Make Americans Fattest Nation: post #7] Zen
Registered User
11707 posts
Posted 25 May 2007 - 04:40 PM
Originally posted by MirZemlyu
Useless people.
Look who's talking!?...:ha:
#8 [Meat Dairy and Fast Food Make Americans Fattest Nation: post #8] PaulRevere
Registered User
479 posts
Posted 26 May 2007 - 01:18 AM
Originally posted by DownWithFascism
Americans eat far too many McBlimpburgers. :2cents:
We're being fattened for slaughter. When the Bush Crime Syndicate stages the next terror attack in the United States, whole populations will be moved into the FEMA camps. Fat Americans will have to live off the blubber for a few weeks until universal world identification cards are issued. Once the cards are issued, then people will be able to receive their MRE ration. People will be totally under surveillance and controlled by food rationing. They will eat their MRE ration with the American flag and a surveillance camera in the background.
In a year's time, you will have a hard time finding a fat American!
#9 [Meat Dairy and Fast Food Make Americans Fattest Nation: post #9] nihilist
Registered User
1614 posts
Posted 26 May 2007 - 01:23 AM
this is the first thing you ever said that i agree with.
fast food does make americans fat, as does too much dairy. everything else out of your mouth is full of sh*t, though
#10 [Meat Dairy and Fast Food Make Americans Fattest Nation: post #10] DownWithFascism
Registered User
11850 posts
Posted 27 May 2007 - 11:00 AM
Originally posted by nihilist
fast food does make americans fat
It most certainly does!
#11 [Meat Dairy and Fast Food Make Americans Fattest Nation: post #11] sb11
Advanced Member
38201 posts
Posted 03 June 2007 - 11:40 AM
Is a smoothy a cold soup?
2 cups almond milk
1 large mango.. sliced
immediately energy polysaccharides
are flowing through ones veins!
The polysaccharides of fruit
are time released energy capsules..
if you find any nonoperating links please let me know
vegan chili
General vegan recipes
VEGAN RECIPES IN NONVEGAN SITES Vegan Recipes Collection from
. Vegan Recipes. Main dishes, desserts, and snack foods.
7. Veggie Universe Vegetarian and vegan recipes, tips, articles, and
news, with new recipes by the author added weekly
8. Life at Long House Looking for Mickey & Lupi? New... at.
skincats .com. WELCOME!!! Right now, we're brainstorming to compile
ideas for our personal home...
9. Vegan Foods and Recipes Recipes from popular vegan cookbooks and
authors, along with descriptions of common vegan foods. From Vegan
Outreach, an organization working to end animal exploitation through
promotion of a vegan lifestyle.
10. Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes
11. Vegan Recipes An online community where vegans, vegetarians, and
everyone who is interested in scrumptious dining get a delicioius new
vegan recipe every week by email.
12. American Presidential Campaigns and Elections .. taking the first
... American Presidential Campaigns and Elections .. taking the first
little steps to the BIG WIN ..state by state .. primary by primary ..
financing and...
13. Vegetarian Nutrition Resource List for Consumers USDA site with
contact information for cookbooks, magazines and web sites.
14. Cat-Tea Corner Vegan Recipes categories include tasty morsels and
dips, main dishes, pasta, soups, and tea-time treats.
15. Kate's (Vegan) Cookery Site Vegan recipes by Kate L Pugh
16. Mango Mama's Vegan Recipes for Kids A collection of vegan recipes
such as mac and soy, nut balls, protein shake, nut wiches, snacks, party
foods and vegan French toast, to name a few.
17. Susan's Favorite Vegan Recipes for main dishes, soups, desserts,
sauces, and more.
18. The Top 50 Vegetarian and Vegan Sites Links to related sites,
vegetarian and vegan recipes, discussion boards, nutritionists,
articles, and newsletters.
19. Duplicate of above site
20. Indian Recipes From Fat-free vegetarian recipes from
India. Many vegan recipes included.
21. Porridge People: Vegan Recipes for Everyday includes many dessert
recipes. http://www.geocities...ngs/Sauna/7015/
22. Vegan Recipes A small collection of simple recipes and a
descriptive list of common vegan ingredients.
23. Vitalita Culinary Group: Vegan Recipes Free cookbooks with
pictures. Downloadable in Adobe Acrobat and other formats.
24. Veganism in a Nutshell - Vegetarian Resource Group A general
overview of veganism from nutrition to common vegan foods. Includes
links to books on veganism (sold by the VRG) and a list of alternatives
to eggs and dairy.
25. Vegetarian Travel Articles and Information -- The Vegetarian
Resource ... Vegetarian nutrition information, recipes, books, and
publishers of Vegetarian Journal. The Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) is
a non-profit...
26. Only links to sites with recipes
27. Pseudo-Mexican Gringo Bachelor Vegan Recipes selection of Chris'
personal favorites.
28. VRG Recipes -- The Vegetarian Resource Group Vegetarian nutrition
information, recipes, books, and publishers of Vegetarian Journal. The
Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) is a non-profit organization dedicated
to educating the public on vegetarianism and the...
29. Low Fat Vegetarian Archive of Stuffing Recipes Mostly vegan
recipes. http://www.fatfree.c...cipes/stuffing/
30. Rice Vegetarian Club Vegan Recipes
31. The Vegan Chef - Vegan Recipes - Vegan Message Board The home page
for chef Beverly Lynn Bennett, featuring her deliciously healthy and
innovative vegan recipes, as well as a vegan message board. As a vegan,
Chef Bennett doesn't use any animal products in any of her...
32. Not recipes... but guides
33. PCRM--Health--Recipes Recipe archive updated weekly, plus healthy
holiday menus and rerecipes. From Physicians Committee for Responsible
34. Vegetarianism in a Nutshell Also includes information on veganism -
dairy substitutes and egg replacers.
35. Aubergine (Eggplant) Recipes Vegan recipes by Kate L Pugh.
36. RI Holistic Directory: Vegan Recipes includes eggless salad,
colcannon, pumpkin cheesecake, and savory yeast gravy.
37. The Underground Vegan Information Page The Sloth Underground's.
Vegan Page. Introduction to the Vegan Page. Granted, there are already
1000000000 sites available on the internet concerning...
38. Hot Carob Drinks Vegan recipes for plain and carob-banana
beverages. http://www.brooklawn...Carobdrink1.htm
39. Jellyfish's Vegan Recipes just like mom never made.
41. the recipe folder
Inspect the factory:
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