Mass Killings Of Penguins, Manatees, Dolphins, Bats, Pelicans, Birds, Doves, Fishes, Frogs, Bees
Some factors in the mass slaughter of many species are:
1 BP Corexit and Oil, poisonous gas which has killed untold zillions of fishes and blocked sunlight, making Gulf current colder... and caused marine mammals to die of starvation from lack of food
2 Smithfield pig concentration camp fecal contamination in N. Carolina, Virginia, in the US, as well as Poland, Romania, Mexico, etc.
3 hydraulic fracturing poison compounds throughout US,
4 depleted uranium in US and NATO war zones
5 nuclear waste illegally dumped,
6 radiation from Israeli bombing of Iraqi and Syrian nuclear power plants,
7 Shell contamination of Nigerian
coastal waters,
8 Bayer and other avicides and apicides,
9 accumulating levels of mercury, pcb's, arsenic, chromium, lead,
10 factory farm pollution with nicotinic and other insecticides,
11 human population urination of many antidepressant and other meditations,
12 human solid waste unprocessed dumped into the ocean
13 dioxin everywhere... including Germany,
14 high altitude hail,
15 rare but possible: lightning
16 global heating - is global freezing too... causing exceptionally cold seawaters and sweltering heat in Australia, e.g. abrupt temperature drops of 45 degrees from 65 to 20 as a result of mass loss of temperature stabilizing trees
17 lack of oxygen in Australian rivers
18 shifting magnetic poles moving toward Russia at a rate of forty miles a year
19 Disruption of birds' inner tracking systems.. their inner magnetic compasses
20 Possible depopulation chemtrails which first impact birds and fishes
21 HAARP, Woodpecker, other weather manipulation systems
Deaths December 2010 - January 2011 Chronological Order
South Korea, December 2010 So far, more than 100,000 chickens have been culled and more than 10,000 ducks due to new outbreak of avian flu.
New Zealand, December 2010 Penguins, petrels and other seabirds are dying in large numbers and washing up on our shores, says the Department of Conservation (DOC), NZ. Autopsy reports showed they died of starvation due to a lack of small fish to feed on in the ocean.
Florida in 2010 767 manatees dead from cold water, pollution etc
North Carolina US Mass Death among Seabirds December 2010. (It was originally thought these deaths were caused by malicious humans, but that has now been retracted). Large number of pelicans Cause : presently unknown (awaiting results)
Arizona, USA. 26 December 2010 70 plus bats Cause - one theory is because it was “unseasonably warm”
Illinois, USA. Late December 2010 onwards Multiple birds (estimate 50 - 100), clustered around a few households. Cause unknown. Kentucky, USA. Late December 2010. Lots of birds (seemed to fall only in this lady’s backyard) Cause unknown
(poster's note: Bayer avicides used by Ft Campbell Ky
on tens of thousands of blackbirds, on whose wings and bodies detergent was sprayed causing their death by freezing)
Tennessee, USA. Estimated time of death last week of December 2010 120 blackbirds (very localised cluster) Cause unknown Georgia, USA. 30 December 2010 3 rare cranes (all found together) Cause unknown
Arkansas (Beebee), USA. 31 Dec 2010 5000 blackbirds. Reputedly killed
Chile, South America, 2 Jan 2011 Thousands of birds fall from the sky and die feature=player_embedded&v=mrlH3BgKPxk
Manitoba, Canada, 3 January 2010 10,000s of Birds Found Dead in Manitoba Cause : local reports suggest bird flu;id=11811
Louisiana, USA. (Labarre) 3 Jan 2011 500 blackbirds and starlings Cause presently unknown
Italy, around 3 January 2011 300 doves Cause unknown at this time
Japan, 3 January 2011 Multiple birds death Suspected : avian flu
Sweden, 4 January 2011 50 - 100 jackdaws landed on a road and “didn’t know how to fly away from lorries and cars which hit them”.
East Texas, USA, 5 Jan 2011 200 birds found dead on a bridge Theory : “Hit by cars” I am always sending myself Signs. -
Indiana, USA, 17 December 2010 Dead fish wash up on Washington Park, Michigan City, Indiana beach (frozen gobies, trout, crayfish, and mudpuppies).
Phillipines, 18 December 2010 Many dead fish floating Cause : suspected pollution
Sydney, Australia. 19 December 2010 Dead fish clog lake at airport THOUSANDS of dead fish have been found floating on the surface of a small lake inside Sydney Airport. Cause : unknown.
Haiti, around 20 December 2010 onwards “Scores of dead fish” Cause presently unknown
South Carolina, USA, 23 December 2010 Cold water kills thousands of starfish on SC coast
Vietnam, around 24 December 2010 onwards More than 150 tonnes of red tilapias (world’s most popular farmed fish) Cause : “Tests on the fish and water samples reveal the deaths were caused by frequent ebb tides and the high densities of fish kept caged in pens," say officials
Italy, 28 December 2010 Two miles of beach full of fish, clams and crabs dead in a stretch of coast Cause : suspected pollution in area
San Antonio, Texas, 29 December 2010 Tourists Greeted By Dozens Of Dead Fish In Museum Reach Section Of River Cause : Officials suspect “recent rains” and cooler water temperatures
Argentina, 30 December 2010 Lots of dead fish Causes : unconfirmed but officials are talking “natural” and “suffocation”
Brazil, 29 December 2010 onwards Millions of dead fish - at least 100 tons of sardine, croaker and catfish) Cause still presently unknown (waiting for test results)
Arkansas, USA, early Jan 2011 100,000 drum fish Cause presently unknown
Wales, 2 Jan 2011 Hundreds of dead fish, mostly bream, carp and roach, Cause : cold water stress suggested
Peterborough, United Kingdom, 4 Jan 2011 Scores fish dead in brook (not the first time either) Cause : suspected pollution
Canada, 4 Jan 2011 Hundreds of gizzard shad fish Cause : put down to “natural occurrence”.
Florida, USA, 4 Jan 2011 Thousands Of Fish Dead In Spruce Creek Officials said it was due to the cold but the fish kill is unusual because it is warm, according to people who live along the creek.
UK, 5 Jan 2011 Dead fish in pool Cause : cold weather
Maryland, USA, reported 5 Jan 2011 (happened late December it seems) 2 million, primarily adult spot, with some juvenile croakers Cause : cold water stress suggested,0,5624655.story
Michigan, USA, reported 5 Jan 2011 Hundreds of dead fish, gizzard shad (type of herring) turning up in rivers Cause : suspected cold stress
New Zealand, 5 Jan 2011 Hundreds of snapper Cause presently unknown (some without eyes)
UK, reported 5 Jan 2011 Over 40,000 dead crabs Cause : attributed to cold stress -
Michigan, reported 28 November 2010 Avian botulism returned to Lake Michigan this year, killing more species and lasting longer than other recent outbreaks, according to state wildlife officials and researchers.
Mexico to Oregon Pelicans Are Falling Out of the Sky (and Other Mysterious Mass Animal Deaths) Hundreds of sick pelicans have fallen to the ground from Mexico to Oregon, smashing into cars, boats and beaches, and experts are baffled.
Australia Avicides, Insecticides causing mass bird deaths
Perth Australia Mass Bird Deaths
Austin, Texas Mass Bird Deaths
Australia - Thousands of Birds die in the Sweltering Heat (Australia)
Texas Dead Birds , 2007
Austin Texas Bird Deaths Shut Downtown Austin, 2007
Idaho US 2,500 mallard ducks drop dead in south Idaho, 2006 (fungus infection caused by toxins)
S. Dakota - 1000 Snow Geese Die in South Dakota
Maine Dozens of crows fell from the sky in Maine, 2006
Idaho: 800 Barnowls died mysteriously in Idaho
Australia “Drunken” Parrots in Australia, June 2010 Russia Birds fall from sky dead
Denmark - Bird Deaths in Denmark Birds flock crash dead to the ground in woods at Lolland
South Africa, 16 June 2010 Cold and rain kills 600 endangered penguins
Mysterious Pelicans Drop Near Unidentified Submerged Object Migratory Birds Falling From Sky –
Earlier Fish Deaths
Australia Truckloads of fish dying in the Murray River, Australia Report is from 2009, situation is ongoing Higher temperatures and a lack of constant water flow in the Murray River are killing scores of "priceless" Murray cod. Thousands of native fish - including huge cod almost 100-years-old - have choked to death due to a lack of oxygen in tributaries of the river near Deniliquin, in the state's south. [QUOTE]There's some speculation on GLP that the earth is venting poisonous gas. I don't know how possible that could be; you'd think that the people on the ground near there would suffer, too. But maybe they're thinking along the same lines as the supposition of the Bermuda Triangle: that the gas eliminates buoyancy? I don't have a clue if that would work the same in the air as it does in water. Thanks for putting this all together. It's obvious from this list that something is up. Of course birds migratory patterns are based on an "internal compass" that uses the Earth's geo-magnetic field. Any number of HAARP/Magnetic Pole Shift theories would dovetail nicely with that. I believe they usually "winter" in Arkansas/Texas. Maybe they choose to avoid that area? Lou, speaking to the "buoyancy" query, birds don't "float" in the air, they "swim". Birds are incredibly sensitive to toxins, though. This definitely appears to be a very bad pattern emerging. sad Functionless art is simply tolerated vandalism. pamela member - Illustrious Alchemist Posts:805 Joined:01 November 2010 [/QUOTE]
. [QUOTE]What makes a whole lot of birds “drop dead” in a sudden CLUSTER in a small area? Something is killing them IN the sky. to be mentioned in conjunction with most of these clusters. Lightning - given how common lightning is around the world you’d then imagine these kinds of cluster deaths would have become considered commonplace and they’re not. Also no one mentions burns on the birds or generally seems to mention lightning in the area at the time of the deaths. Disease - but last time I looked sick birds tended to sit morosely around “huddling” . Near-death birds don’t go off flying through the sky in groups and die in unison, surely? Anyone have any other thoughts? It would seem “something” might be hitting them in the sky or they are “hitting” something that they don’t have time to avoid. Weird as it seems that suggests to me “tinfoil stuff” like HAARP or weapons being tested on them……………[/QUOTE]Illinois
70 plus bats Illinois, USA. Late December 2010 onwards Multiple birds (estimate 50 - 100), clustered around a few households.
Kentucky, USA. Late December 2010. Lots of birds (seemed to fall only in this lady’s backyard)
Tennessee, USA. Estimated time of death last week of December 2010 120 blackbirds (very localised cluster) Georgia, USA. 30 December 2010 3 rare cranes (all found together) Arkansas (Beebee), USA. 31 Dec 2010 5000 blackbirds.
Chile, South America, 2 Jan 2011 Thousands of birds fall from the sky and die
Manitoba, Canada, 3 January 2010 10,000s of Birds Found Dead in Manitoba
Louisiana, USA. (Labarre) 3 Jan 2011 500 blackbirds and starlings
Sweden, 4 January 2011 50 - 100 jackdaws East Texas, USA, 5 Jan 2011 200 birds found dead on a bridge Ongoing: Pelicans falling out of the sky and dying from Mexico to Oregon. Also now dead pelicans turning up in large numbers in North Carolina. (By the by pelicans have been around for 30 million years according to the fossil records and now mankind is killing them. crying Mass bird deaths in Texas in 2007 2006 dozens of crows fell from the sky in Maine
Denmark Mass sudden bird deaths .
Russia Mass sudden bird deaths
Die off map. Direct: - FACT CHECK: Mass bird, fish deaths occur regularly WASHINGTON – First, the blackbirds fell out of the sky on New Year's Eve in Arkansas. In recent days, wildlife have mysteriously died in big numbers: 2 million fish in the Chesapeake Bay, 150 tons of red tilapia in Vietnam,
UK 40,000 crabs in Britain and other places across the world. "aflockalypse" Full story at link I am always sending myself Signs. - Ik. mtlouie member - Silver Monarch Posts:1088 Joined:26 October 2010 quote reply / Re: Collation of Dead Birds and Fish #12, by mtlouie, 07 January 2011 05:26 AM Yes, and that's why we've been hearing all about those mass deaths on the news REGULARLY. Keep it up boys, you'll come up with something plausible I suppose. "The earth and myself are of one mind." Bird deaths: timeline of the mysterious bird deaths From dead crabs washed up on Kent's coast to birds falling from the sky in the US and Sweden.
Maryland 07 January 2011 09:35 AM Now two MILLION dead fish wash up in Maryland as epidemic of mass animal deaths continues across the globe * Cold weather blamed for deaths of juvenile spot fish in Chesapeake Bay * Hundreds of confused birds plummeted to their deaths in multiple locations in the U.S.
Chesapeake Bay
Two million dead fish have washed up on shores in Chesapeake Bay in the latest in a growing spate of mass animal deaths across the globe. The alarming find is being blamed by authorities in Maryland on the stress caused by unusually cold water
January 7 2011 03:36 PM 8000 dead doves in Italy
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