Thoughts On Nonjudging


Editor SNS

God looks upon sin as a mother upon her baby'e first halting attempts to walk  -Sathya Sai Baba-
The Divine Mother sees no faults in any of her children -Jillelamudi Mother-
One never has enough data to assign value to any action  -Starseed Transmissions-
Bible: Thou Shalt Not Judge
Answers are evil. I try to remain in the hub of all possibility  John C Lehman Jr:
Those termed by others sinners are often the more forgiving of others.   O Anna Niemus


Gnana Mata never said an unkind word about anyone..or even thought it.     Yogananda:  (paraphrased)
Curiosity killed my innocence. Over thinking killed my happiness. Insecurities killed my self-esteem.
    Lies killed my trust. Stereotypes killed my individuality. And judgement killed me.   Unknown
The Course In Miracles: When I defend myself I am attacked. (The defensive posture invites an opposite response)

Do not kill your thoughts by framing them in conclusions  (paraphrased) Theo Grutter


 It is a vain task to divide the things of the world into good and bad and it is also sacrilegious. For, when all are the products of His Will, how can anything be extolled or condemned? Besides what is good for one may be bad for another; what is good at sometime may be bad at another time; what is good in small quantities may be bad in large quantities.   Sathya Sai Baba:


Saint of Shirdi: To speak of another's sins is to lick them off.


 What we focus on we become.


If one is having conflict with another, some recommend that person A should ask B's guardian angel to contact A's.  Unknown


Giving energy to the negative in ourselves or others makes the negative grow.


 Seeing the divine in others is like sunshine on a plant. Doing someone's inventory is comparable to pouring acid on a plant.


Gandhi worked for independence from the occupying power Britain. He organized nonviolent opposition but he never hated.

Nisargadatta Maharaj was asked about saving the world and replied (paraphrased).... Do not try to save the world but ask how the world can be saved from you.


All beings are beautiful.. seen through eye of love Sathya Sai Baba


Suppose there is a baby in a room with a bag of gold on the table.
A thief comes and steals the gold. Would the baby know it was stolen? That which we have inside, we see outside. The baby has no thief inside and sees no thief outside. Weep that you are bound to see sin everywhere, and if you want to help
    the world, do not condemn it.  Vivekananda:

    Nisargadatta Maharaj:

    Free online version of the 1500 page book Course In Miracles

    Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, 9 Vols.

 72 volumes of his discourses free online  go to discourse link

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