Soldier Victims Of US Government Immoral Warwaging,War Profiteering




Soldier Victims OF US Government Warwaging

In November of 2015, the USG announced it would send 50 advisers to Syria, to a war zone in which 4 different nations are bombing Syrians in 3 different objectives. The Turks bomb the Kurds whom the CIA is illegally arming, while the Russians bomb ISIS.  The last villages in which Aramaic is spoken are being bombed.

The Violent Masses Massacring, Youth-Sacrificing, Refugee-Creating, Stupid, Real Security Jeopardizing, Money-Hemorrhaging, Warprofiteer-Bloating, Illegal Racist oil and religious hatred war Against THE People Animals Birds and Trees Of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Sudan etc.

Afghanistan: The Longest War in US History

If any question why we died
Tell them because our fathers lied.
(That poem was Kipling's self-indictment since he pressured his son
to enter WW1 and was on the war propaganda committee of the UK govt.)
- Rudyard Kipling- [/i]

Underreported Miscellaneous Hazards... THE Freezing IN Afghanistan
.... THE Horrific Heat OF Iraq After Trees Bombed Away

suicides, homelessness, over 40,000
wounded, blinded, paraplegic and
otherwise mutilated men and women..
land mines, depleted uranium, sniping, food poisoning .. toxic vaccines..

The Humvee is the most frequent tomb for American soldiers in Iraq.


1 million soldiers injured in Iraq and Afghanistan

2. 50,000 homeless veterans in 2015
3 Record number of veteran and active military suicides
4  Koch Brothers want doctors to profiteer from veteran injuries
5  PTSD plagues many vets

IB Health Hazards

1 Depleted Uranium 81 times the world's average, Dutch soldiers refuse to remove the depleted uranium,
which can cause immediate damage to the prostate before its longterm effects. This is extended to children of soldiers with birth defects are caused by depleted uranium, napalm and other toxins.

2 Lethal Vaccines of Chiron, Aventis Pasteur, Lilly, Roche and Glaxo Smith Kline over 100 million doses at 20 to 40 a shot.. or several billion for war profiteers

Kolavic-Gray, Shellie A., et al. "Large Epidemic of Adenovirus Type 4 Infection Among Military Trainees: Epidemiological, Clinical, and Laboratory Studies." Clinical Infectious Diseases (October 1, 2002): 808-811.

The latest victim is a servicewoman from Norton Ohio.

3 Food Poisoning from packaged meals and from Halliburton
contracted cafeterias

4. 137 Degree Heat, (multiplied by as much as 55 lbs of
carried gear) has caused fatal heart attacks to dozens. Such heat can turn
soap bars into liquid, turns metal packaged ingredients more toxic .. and its opposite:

5 Frostbite US soldiers in Afghanistan are getting frostbite. 39 soldiers
died of frostbite in 1 night in Korea. The generals' feet
have been warm..

6 Insufficient Medical Personnel AND Supplies NPR reported insufficient medical supplies and medical
personnel for the several thousand injured.

7 Gutted Veterans' Administration an underfunded understaffed undersupplied VA hospital system
gutted by the illegal administration.
(There are Republican senators
who have voted 11 times to
cut veterans' benefits)

8 Agent Orange American soldiers are still dying, untold thousands, from
Agent Orange, napalm in Vietnam, in Colombia

9 Gulf WAR Syndrome American soldiers are still dying, untold thousands, from Golf War Syndrome. Those who have not died in some cases have passed birth defects to their children

10 Human Guinea Pigs While corpses have been blown apart by the Army for land mine shoewear tests (rather than sign the landmine ban)
7000 American soldiers have been used as human guinea pigs.
Captain Joyce Riley, Usaf, one of the many truth telling
whistleblowers in the US military

11 Cancelled Medical Benefits for WW2 vets, as international cartels' hireling judges rule that the WW2 recruiting officers had no legal right to offer these contracts. In the same week, billions were sent to Ariel Sharon who is using some of the money to
separate Palestinians from their olive orchards, grapevines, places of work, food supplies etc.

12. Hygiene Very Difficult Robert Wise, 21, of Tallahassee, wrote home he had not
been able to take a shower in 20 days..just before
being killed in Iraq.

13 Sandflies Whether facial and other lesions are caused by sandflies as generals say or by depleted uranium, they are called Baghdad boils. The many lethal ingredients in chemtrails affect soldiers as well,

14. Insecticides Insecticide disseminators at military bases have reactions from toxicity induced mental illness and metal poisoning to bone cancers.

15. Chemtrails.. the chemtrails ingredients which poison the skies are in highest concentrations where they are stored and handled,

16. Guantanamo.. the torture of prisoners by the CIA
in Afghanistan and by the USA military in Guantanamo..
has returned to Blackwater Security personnel..
as the Wolfowitz cartel has reduced the standards of
international treatment of prisoners. Torture is a double
edged sword which returns to soldiers of the torture

17 Food Shortages
Food shortages were caused
by both inefficiency and Halliburton
and other profiteering.
"US marines down to two hot meals a day" was the headline of one story.

18 Lack OF Counseling
Buzz Williams, Marine and author: When a soldier most needs a listening ear and counseling, he is least likely to receive it.

19 Veterans Administration Gutted
In the few VA hospitals which remain, soldiers of the poor are made unconscious guinea pigs of pharmaceutical
drugs .. the VA is made the arm of the pharmaceutical industry. The Washington Post in February of 2007 did
a series on shocking conditions at Walter Reed Hospital
to which horribly mutilated soldiers are brought.

20 Weapon Boomerangs
Dangerous new bullets used by USA military..
can boomerang on the soldiers..

21 Mercenaries BAD FOR Morale
Senator Biden said in April that a system which pays
private security as much as $1500 a day is bad for the morale
of those paid much less (peanuts).

22 Humvee Vulnerability Humvee vulnerability
TV news reported that 400 million will be spent on
new Humvee's.. war profiteers rejoice
as they continue to churn out a shoddy product, that even
though newly armored, is vulnerable in tires, low windows
and crowd caused rollovers

23 Carcinogenic Perchlorate in rocket fuel, explosiion materials
and on many military bases in
the water systems etc. is besides
a cancer causer a harmer of
thyroid function

24 Disrespect FOR Spiritual Diets the lactose intolerant sometimes forced into dairy
The Danish dairy firm Maersk has 2 billion a year in contracts
Halliburton and other war profiteers are not providing enough
health options in the way of vegan alternatives, fresh fruit,
vegetarian protein.

25 Highest Casualty TO Death Ratio Ever the highest casualty to death
rate in history over 3681 American
soldier deaths over 40,000 casualties
(over 2 million deaths for Iraqis
since Churchill bombed 9000 in 1920,
since sanctions, Desert Storm,
and now the worst of all..the "Coalition")

War is not the only cause of deaths in the US military.

Compulsory vaccinations from Glaxo and others, new viruses, Lariam made by Roche, food poisoning,
helicopter accidents, training deaths, live ammo deaths in training,,
friendly fire.. drowning in mud at Camp LeJeune and elsewhere
are some of the causes of military fatalities

nonlethal: broken ear drums from flight training
... frostbite

27. Ammonia Ammonia contamination by
the Army Corps of Engineers

28 Child Deformities
Children of soldiers born deformed
because of depleted uranium
Children of women separated from their husbands by war score
lower on IQ tests, have more emotional problems, less health

29 Drinking Water Supplied AT High Prices BY
Halliburton'S KBR IS Contaminated
Troops sickened by Halliburton KBR water

30. Stinger Missiles THE CIA Gave THE Taliban AND

31. 107 Cases OF Cholera IN Iraq

32 Sarin
at Blue Grass Army Depot in Kentucky leaking from container

The neocon regime has been willing to expose American soldiers
to death by stinger missiles. Soldiers have been exploded onto
the sharp and freezing peaks of the Afghan mountains at night.
The neocons don't care about the lessons the British and
Russians learned from their Afghan adventures.

33. Halliburton's subsidiary Kellogg Brown Root (KBR) has electrocuted at least
3 with its unsafe wiring.. .. a systemwide problem

The US military continues drug co. welfare keeping men on the front
lines with antidepressants, painkillers etc.

35 Independent sources say there have been many electrocution
deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan because of shodding wiring
by Halliburton, Triple Canopy and other contractors

36 Saltpeter or potassium nitrate put into men's food to reduce testosterone aggression.... is also in cured meats and some cheeses

37  Female Hormones   Meats, milk and other dairy products and eggs from animals given female hormones also increase estrogen levels and reduce testosterone. In some squadrons milk has been heavily promoted.

38 Wounded vets sit in wheelchairs or lie in VA approved nursing homes... sitting in their own waste as greedy nursing home owners refuse to hire enough staff.  They eat high animal fat content food, have little in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables, are served the hot dogs and sausages condemned by the World Health Organization as carcinogenic.

39  In 2016, Sixty per cent of returning veterans have hearing loss. Lydia Denworth, San Antonio reporter, describes it as a silent military epidemic.

40 The military and the VA as with Agent Orange and depleted uranium has abandoned the victims of the US' nuclear accidents in the military

list of military's nuclear accidents

41. The agony which lasts for decades when wives, husbands, parents, children, friends are told

someone is missing. 7000 American soldiers were missing in N Korea.

GOD bring the tankfodder poor home now..

II Violence From A Violence Generating System

1 Rapes Congress in February 2004 hearings on American servicewomen, 100 of whom have reported being raped. A naval ship captain who is repressive is responsible for the liberty
excesses of the sailors aboard his ship in the same way that those who build
up steam in pressure cookers can be responsible for explosions.

2 Suicides. Blinded, paraplegic, horribly burned and other soldiers kill themselves at higher rates than the general population. (from conscience, from stress, from drug reactions, etc.)

3 Ptss Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.. plagues untold millions.. some in a recognizable way .. some in a hidden way.

4 Animal Cruelty In Florida, California and elsewhere US soldiers have been ordered by military to destroy or to take to the pound their pets.

5 Alcoholism AND Drug USE Alcoholism is greatest among Marines but a growing problem in all
services as the slaves of war profiteers feel trapped and
seek escape. The Pentagon released a study in March 2004 indicating 1 in 5 in the military have a serious drinking problem.

6 Association Violence Any involvement in a violent system has negative associative effects for those involved.

7a. Exploitation While USA soldiers are dying for perhaps l/2 of minimum wage, assassins from Blackwater Security
( are profiteering from
the outsourcing of war at the rate of $1000 to $2000 a day.

7b Violence TO Civilians
MAN OUT OF Marine Corps A Year Kills Four AND Wounds 2 IN Columbus Ohio Club

Columbus police identified the gunman as 25-year-old Nathan Gale of Marysville, Ohio, a former lance corporal in the Marine Corps.

8 Roche's Lariam has caused at least 4 Marines to kill
their wives.

9  Officer Aggression  Officers returning home after ordering around privates
like pawns... throw their weight around with relatives
friends and coworkers.


10  Domestic Violence, bar fights

Soldiers taught over and over how to kill... come home battle hardened... full of stress.. and some take it out on their wives and girlfriends.

III Military Inefficiency

1 Friendly Fire Deaths

2 Lack OF Protective Gear such as vests

3 Land Mines which US cartels want kept legal (US Govt
and Israel, 2 of world's only non signers of the treaty)

4 Humvee Over Roadside Bombs has happened so frequently..

5 Training Deaths

6 Machines Made BY WAR Profiteers dangerous designs in Osprey helicopters
and vulnerabilities in Chinook and Black Hawk helicopters
(LK: "If you want helicopters to work better, stop
naming them Black Hawk, Apache and other Native
American names.) ..
Sikorsky one of companies

7 Bombs by some of the 13,000 cluster bombs dropped, 2000 of which are by
Blair's troops.

8 Officers who care more about career than the safety of their soldiers

9 Soldiers are programmed
to believe that what they are doing is for the freedom
of their own country
The idealism of soldiers in every illegal and immoral war
has been manipulated as they have been programmed to
think they are protecting their country.

10 What IS A Privatized Military? Mercenaries
More and more military operations are being given to
private war profiteer companies, interested in money, not
the welfare of the soldiers. Caci, Titan, Blackwater

A camel spider in a British soldier's backpack returned with him
from Afghanistan, and bit the family dog, killing him or her.
Camel spiders can run 10 mph.

Saint of Shirdi: Never harm a snake or a scorpion. He will
only harm you if ordered to do so by God. If so ordered
there is nothing you can do about it.


121 soldiers have been involved in murders since returning
from Iraq. The US regime trains these men as killing machines
and pretends surprise that random as well as machine
killing occurs.
NY Times Jan 13, 08


(If you are one of the 14% of Americans who support
the illegal and violent actions in Afghanistan and Iraq please
read on). Every Iraqi, Afghan and
American soldier is equal in the
eyes of God.

The American Friends Service Committee, War Resisters' League and others publish pamphlets asking young men to consider their options.

The AFSC book says

1. you may be killed

2. you may kill or injureothers

3. you may be injured

4. you might not receive adequate medical attention

5. you could be injured for life

6. you may be asked to violate your beliefs

7a. you may not be able to leave the military when you want

7b you may be lied to

8.  you may experience discrimination

to which could be added

9. your wife or husband and children will suffer from the loss of your presence as well as of your higher wages

10. you will be supporting an illegal immoral war in which innocents and soldiers also are murdered

11. you will be supporting extensive killing also of animals, birds, fishes, trees and plants

12. if you are a woman, the odds are you will be exposed to sexual harassment and even rape

 Several diseases from exposure to agent orange
deaths in the US military since 1980
revised version Feb 07


-saiom shriver-

Thank you to for being the first to host this article

latest revision June 4 2016

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As of 2012, 414 veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan had hearing loss
Hearing loss a silent military epidemic
Lydia Denworth,

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