Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks


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Nicholas Sparks has had over 10 books place first on the New York Times bestsellers list.

He has sold tens of millions of copies of his books in many languages, with several made into movies.  He has a special love for the state in which he lives, North Carolina.*

He doesn't need to peddle hard core sex to have high ratings.

His love stories are captivating... most with happy endings.  His characters are memorable.

But why, Nicholas, does nearly every book have to promote fish suffocation and many mentions of heart attack causing flesh.  Why do you have to glorify ranching and hunting?

You have extraordinary empathy for human beings and pets.  Hunted deer are simply animals you haven't met.


*North Carolina is an exception to the rule that Southern states are the vast majority of the last 9 execution states.  Ohio's governor John Kasich has made Ohio the only Northern state involved in judicial, prosecutor and governor driven government murder.

May all authors help save the forests of the world by contracting for rice, cotton, 100% recycled or other less violent paper.

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