Whether you reduce or eliminate the consumption of meat, fish, dairy products..
Here are some reasons to take the first step
. Trillions of animals suffer hideously in factory farms, transit and slaughterhouses. Fishes die of suffocation, asphyxiation.
2. Help the Environment
. prevent deforestation
. reduce global heating
. prevent drought
. stop floods .
water conservation..
3. Prevent Disease
. vegan men have higher sperm counts
while nonvegetarians have much
. heart disease
. cerebral stroke
. cancer of many kinds
. ecoli or colon bacteria infections
. insecticide concentrations at the top of the food chain
. food poisoning .. corpses should be buried not consumed
. kidney dysfunction ... carnivores have 5 times our kidney size per pound
. arthritis the uric acid or preurine (trioxypurine) in animals' muscles when they are murdered
crystallizes in needle formation around the joints
. choking high up on the list of accidental deaths (comparable to swallowing shoe leather?)
. appendicitis (our fruitarian ancestors gave us the longest intestinal tract in relation to height of
any animal)
. bleeding ulcers (carnivores secrete much more hydrochloric acid than human beings)
. parasites: liver flukes, trichinella and other worms
4. Create Most Food Yield Per Acre.. Preventing Hunger
Cow corpses yield 100 lbs of animal flesh per acre in desertified W Texas... a maximum 1000 lbs.
per acre in more rain-blessed areas. Dairy products and vegetables yield more per acre.
Centenarian fruit and nut trees can drop as high as 2 tons each of food or 450,000 pounds an
acre in some cases.
5. Prevent Crime
. the adrenalin secreted by terrorized animals is only partially broken up by
cooking and causes anger in those who eat the flesh
6. Stop Accidents
. slaughterhouse workers slip on the grease, fecal matter, urine, blood in abbatoirs
. slaughterhouse workers are kicked in the head and elsewhere as they electroshock, kick
drag and otherwise force animals into the slaughterhouse chutes
. slaughterhouse workers are exposed to cold
For more: http://www.writers-network.com/index.cgi?m=1&view=156136
7. Foster Esthetics
. Compare the fragrance of almond blossoms to the stench of the killing fields and the
piercing shrieks of the abbatoir to the wind's symphony in olive groves. Compare a bowl
of shelled nuts after 3 days to a flesh sandwich sitting on the kitchen table.
8. Restore Mental Health
. Russian research found that vegetarian diet eliminated the adrenalin saturated flesh which
is a factor in depression, anger, anxiety
9. Stop Fires
. Animal fat (grease, lard, tallow) accumulating on restaurant and home walls causes fires.
. Malfunctioning ovens cause fires
. Gas and electric lines into stoves cause fires.
. [a whole firehouse goes vegan
10. Save Money
. Cadaver eating is expensive.. sometimes many times more per pound than fruits and vegetables
. Cooking and freezing are costly
. Around the world flesh-related diseases are hemorrhaging $$ from national health care.
11. Prevent Obesity
. The average vegan weighs 23 pounds less than the average nonvegetarian and 11 pounds less than the average dairy vegetarian.. That was the discovery of Mervyn Hardinge MD in isocaloric studies at an ivy league
There are over 100 studies indicating weight loss with vegan and vegetarian diet. Lance Armstrong
recommends meatless diet for weight loss and healing.
Cows' milk is intended for their baby calves and is designed to make a 1000 lb. animal in a few months.
It engenders obesity in American children. Dr Atkins of the Atkins Diet (whose foundation is connected
to Smithfield pig factory farms and Duke of North Carolina) died of a cerebral stroke which generated a fall while weighing 257 lbs.
12. Save Time
. Vegetarian, vegan and fruitarian meals take much less preparation time
. Vegetarian plates take less cleaning time
. Kitchen wall cleaning takes less time
13. Save Water
. "Probably the most reliable and widely-accepted water estimate to produce a pound of cow flesh is the figure of 2,500 gallons/pound. Newsweek once put it another way: "the water that goes into a 1,000 pound steer would float a destroyer." No one
begrudges patient cows water on their painful journey to
a grizzly end, but the ratio illustrates the entire waste of
cattle concentration camps.
14. Spiritual traditions and teachings Christian
Sikh, Sufi, Rastafarian, Wesleyites, Salvation Army followers of General Booth, Franciscans, 7th Day Adventists,
Cistercians, early Christians following Jesus' example... all have vegetarian traditions
[B]15. Break Addiction's Chains Both Physical and Mental
. The uric acid or trioxypurine in flesh is stronger than caffein (dioxypurine). Not everything we absorbed in childhood was good.
[B]16. Foster International Peace[/B]
. As Mexican undocumented workers refuse slaughterhouse jobs, they are going to
Central Americans. Slaughterhouses are an intrinsic part of the immigration problem.
. Canadians, Norwegians, Icelanders, S African governments club seals because they eat fishes.
. Japanese 'scientists' harpoon whales not only for their flesh but because they eat fish.
[B]17. Save Energy[/B]
. meat takes over 81 times the production energy that nut protein takes.. . no till agriculture saves energy and animal lives
. energy in the freezer at slaughterhouse, warehouse, transportation truck, home
. energy in the stove
. energy and cost of veterinarians, toxic hormone injections etc.
. compare dropping a peach seed on the forest fringe and covering it with a little dirt.. coming
back in 4 years to fruit which drops in your lap... to the great effort of killing animals
18. Live Longer
. Several life insurance companies give discounts to vegetarians. The January 1973 National
Geographic mentioned that centenarian tribes are vegetarian (Villcabamba of Ecuador, Azerbaijans, Hunzas, yogis are some examples)
Thank you to Allison Aubrey of NPR for her coverage of the
Meatless Monday campaign, the first step to a total Meatout.
Lance Armstrong has asked people to start with
a neatless Monday. 81,000 Baltimore school children are having 1 meatless
day a week. Yale, UC Davis, Northern Kentucky University, Johns Hopkins are
adapting their cafeterias.
President McKinley was shot on Sept 6 2001 and was recovering, but gangrene from the bullet's path through nonvegetarian intestines was the final cause of death. When George Wallace, American candidate for president shot by a hit man employed
by war profiteers, was hit, he had, said a national news magazine,
just eaten a hamburger, and the bullet trailed an ecoli (colon
bacteria) path through his body.)
-saiom shriver-
International Ahimsa Coalition
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