Demolition Cruelty


A demolition of an abandoned building

is scheduled. It has been vacant 10 years.

Yet there are no inspections to see if there

are raccoons secreted in the chimneys,

birds hidden in the rafters, baby squirrels

in the attic, rats in the basement.  (Rats too

have a sacred right to life.)


The bobcats and excavators start in,

sending broken glass everywhere. And

what do they do if they hear animals screaming?


Often there is gratuitous destruction of

trees, including trees the neighbors have

watered for years.


One city had not scheduled a single inspection

to remove animals ... of the 300 to 400

demolitions it had done in recent years.


It is time for every federal, state, city

and county demolition to schedule

humane removal of animals and birds.






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