Positive Words

Positive Thought


Politics is polarized. Many are feeling anger. There is a war going on in many

between the call to be positive and the desire to inform others of the suffering of the poor and powerless, the corruption and violence.  If one espouses certain views and others respond in anger, is one responsible for their anger?


Abraham Lincoln said the destiny of our country is indivisibility, not divisibility.


Words can curse or bless.  Words are a bridge to materialization. If

words criticize another, bricks are added to a negative reality building.


He writes of what he loves, not actions he hates.


Some see a slaughterhouse film and are compelled to change. Others who are also sensitive are unplugged from their positive energy.


If I answer the phone or greet another in person in sadness rather than with cheerful spiritual presence, I bring him or her down.


Focus the mirror on the sun and not the void. Judgment is focus on the void.


Many say work to unite rather than to divide   

An Australian Muslim journalist in response to the New Zealand murder of 50 Muslims in a mosque said that those who write words of hate have their fingers on the trigger.      9*


Criticism creates blowback, causing those attacked to counterattack.


Words and thoughts materialize, says Starseed Transmssions, attracting particles of matter.  11


There are ways to promote ahimsa in a positive way without causing negative reaction..


Our loved ones are affected by our actions


If one dies with unfulfilled desires they become gravity pulling a soul into a new embodiment.  Those with very intense desires can evenbe prevented from traveling up into light.  14

If I frequently fail, nevertheless I am making progress on the path.




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