The US Army, Dow, And Blackbirds


In 1975, the US Army killed millions

of Kentucky and Tennessee blackbirds.

Helicopters sprayed them with

Dow Tergitol as helicopters in Vietnam

had sprayed Dow napalm and Agent Orange.

The heat from the freezing birds' bodies rose

as a fog as their souls, happy to leave such

a cruel place, rose in a mystic

mist to God.



In 1975 the Secy of the Army approved the murder of an estimated 17.5 million blackbirds in and near Ft Campbell Ky.
Army helicopters sprayed the birds in KY and TN with Dow Tergitol which caused them slowly to freeze to death.
Ann Free, animal rights activist, reported that as the birds froze to death the heat from their body rose as mist.


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