National Public Radio's Cruelty To Animals And People


Originally NPR was a loose collection of college radio stations.

When Bush 1 chose to invade Iraq, NPR brought in a free speech

muzzler from Radio Free Europe.

1. 200 million in McDonald's stock is owned by NPR resulting in the muzzling of the truth about the disease, agony,
energy waste and environmental destruction of the animal flesh industry
2. Science Friday and Pulse Of The Planet, funded by the National
Science Foundation: programs and foundations promoting vivisection (torture of
animals in labs) carried on NPR
3. The Splendid Table.. a promotion of dairy products, eggs, meat and fish

created by Minnesota Public Radio 
4. the bombing of animals birds, fishes, reptiles, butterflies
plants... in the 2 Iraq and 20 year Afghanistan wars NPR promoted

5. Interactive talk shows were eliminated on the national level.

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