Animal And Fish Flesh Create Stress In Consumers And Are Correlated To Alcoholism

Health Articles


Why do vegans have the most serenity and vegetrians the second most with
nonvegetarians having the least?
1. Adrenaline secreted in slaughterhouse in terrorized animals saturates
the flesh. Some links of the adrenaline survive cooking. Eating meat and fish
recreates subtle fear and anger.
2. Uric acid is trioxypurine and a stronger stimulant than caffeine which is dioxypurine  Stimulates elevate blood pressure . creating more peaks
and valleys in energy flow.
3. Animal fat in meat, fish and dairy and amyloid plaque, a byproduct of
the homocysteine block the cerebral arteries creating the stress of high blood

The gallbladder produces bile aiding in fat digestion. A high intake of animal fat, meat and
eggs is correlated with gallbladder problems including life endangering ruptures.

Vegan alcoholics are extremely rare.
There have been rehab places treating alcoolism
with vegan or vegetarian diet. The excessive yang of meat and the excessive yin of alcohol are united
in many.
Many beers and wines are not vegan because they contain fining agents
PETA, the minimalist vegan, and other sites report that in wine and beer
fining agents include fish bladders, egg whites, gelatin, and skim milk.
Cream liqueurs have dairy. Some alcohol has honey in it


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