Search engine: "Inhalational anthrax was called woolsorters' disease because it was an occupational hazard for people who sorted wool."
Arthritis is caused by the buildup of uric acid (in meat and fish)
or trioxypurine in needle formation around the joints.
1. Intravenous vitamin C recommended by Nobel laureate Linus Pauling.
2 The documentary Fabulous Fungi recommends
turkeytail mushroom pills.
3. As much as possible
uncooked vegan food.
4 Positive thought says N V Peale.
5 Othes say forgive all who have harmed.
Countries with the highest rates of intestinal cancer are heavy meat consuming nations.
Countries with high stomach cancer rates are most often coastal fish consuming nations.
Countries with high rates of breast prostate uterine ovarian cervical cancer
are those in which dairy products are heavily consumed. A big risk factor
is dairy products from cows given female hormones.
Pancreatic cancer is correlated to coffee's dioxypurine and meat's trioxypurine.
Diseases of the heart and circulatory system are the biggest killer of all. Many fatalities are linked to animal fat, amyloid plaque, a byproduct of the homocysteine in meat and fish, uric acid (pre-urine) in the muscle cells of animals called meat.
President Bill Clinton in a speech said that over 1 million deaths
a year were iatrogenesis. Iatrogenesis is disease or death caused by physician, hospital, medication, vaccine, therapist error or neglect.
Michael Klaper, MD is perhaps the nation's most renowned
expert on dietary impotence which is caused by the accumulation of animal fat, animal derived amyloid plaque (from meat and fish), and other animal byproducts which clog
the arteries.
1. Many surgeries can result in infection.
2. MRSA is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium with antibiotic resistance. It is common in hospitals
and other places in which harsh disinfectants are used to which
bacteria adapt. Each new generation of adaptive bacteria is stronger and more resistant.
3. At the biggest hospital chain in my city, a whistleblower in the cafeteria was fired for reporting that the hospital was
violating health codes in rewarming eggs for future meals, way
past the guidelines.
4. Meat, fish, eggs, and dairy account for 97% of the food poisoning fatalities annually. Both Ronald Reagan and Donald
Trump sped up the meat inspection lines. Animal corpses whiz
by with virtually no chance to an adequate job. Cancerous tumors the size of grapefruits on cows, dangerous discolorations indicating gangrenous meat etc. get by.
Meat heavy diets and their links to multiple sclerosis 12,000 vegan physicians or vegan physician supporting
Strokes, embolisms and aneurysms are caused primarily by the build up of animal fat,
amyloid plaque, uric acid deposits, and other animal food byproducts in the body's arteries and veins. The cerebral artery
ruptures in the case of strokes. A clogged artery can cause a bulge or aneurysm, a danger signal.