The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Generated by Butchers, Vivisectors

The federal government protected the butchers, vivisectors and

factory farmers torturing animals

Federal And State governments shredded the first amendment  re the filming

of animal slaughter.

After the passage of AETA, the Animal Terrorism Enterprise Act, which defines
as terrorists not those who murder animals but those who seek to expose their crimes to the public, (originally initiated by 4 Republican senators: Coburn
and Inhofe of
Oklahoma and Chambliss and Saxbe of Georgia of which four only Inhofe

remains) at least 3
state governors, Iowa's Terry Bradshaw, Utah's Richard Herbert and Missouri's
Jeremiah Nixon, have criminalized the filming of slaughterhouses, factory
laboratories crucifying
animals. Also involved in this repression was Richard Blum, husband of
Senator Dianne Feinstein, when chairman of the overseers of the University
of California.
Besides axing to death the animals, the federal and these state governments
have axed the first amendment. While hospital, pharmaceutical and government
labs often cut out the vocal cords of animals
(called laryngectomies, debarking etc.), these politicians controlled by
butchers' mammon hope to silence the screams of the animals by muzzling
the microphones and darkening the video cams.

How different is their response to that of President Theodore Roosevelt who
when confronted with the hideous agony of slaughterhouses worked in the
opposite direction, to ameliorate
the suffering of the animals.

On April tenth the New York Times editorialized that
the people have a right to know how their food is made.
Thank you to the Times.

Butchers are exposed crushing baby chicks into paste,
kicking animals in the face and udders, etc.,
driving them into fences with forklifts, suffocating them,
electroshocking them, whipping them, punching them,
skinning them while alive, dropping them alive into boiling water.

All humane societies and animal charities have a right to act as citizen
humane officers.
In the meantime, millions more know that animals are not food, and choose
to stop eating the cadaver pieces
that their consciences know peace.

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