Christian History Regarding Vegetarian Diet, Celibacy, Reincarnation, Women Etc


In Christianity, Contraception, Papal Infallibility, Married And Women Priests,

In Christianity, Contraception, Papal Infallibility, Married And Women Priests,
Reincarnation, Vegetarianism


For 3 centuries after the death of Jesus, early Christians practiced Jesus'
vegetarian diet. Jesus was an Essene from Galilee. Paul too took the Nazarene
vow which included being vegetarian. In 325, Emperor Constantine, a pagan nonvegetarian, convened the bishops and presided over the Council. At that time references to Jesus' vegetarianism were removed.. Jesus had thrown out of the temple the moneychangers...but he was more angered by their

impending murder. Isaiah: "I delight not in your blood sacrifice". Genesis 1:29 had proclaimed a fruitarian diet based on foods given by trees vines bushes and plants without killing the plant or fruits, nuts, berries, seeds, eggplant, squash, beans, peas, tomatoes, etc. "Behold I have given you herbyielding seed. To you that shall be for meat." Father Lengwin at the time on KDKA Radio hypthosesized that the apple eaten by Adam and Eve was
actually the first heart of a butchered animal.


"Emperor Justinian wanted Origen's writings and teachings to be condemned and
destroyed but Pope Vigilius refused to sign a papal decree condemning Origen's
teachings on reincarnation. As a result of his disobedience, the Emperor had the
Pope arrested and put into jail. In 543, Justinian convoked the Fifth General
Council of the Church and told the Pope he would sign into doctrine whatever the
council decided. On the way there, under guard, the Pope escaped to avoid being
forced to condemn Origen's writings. The Emperor commanded the council to
continue despite the Pope's refusal to attend."

From ... nation.htm


It was not until 1870, nearly 1900 years after Jesus' death, that Pius IX called
and controlled a Vatican council which declared him and future popes infallible
when speaking 'ex cathedra' or from the
papal chair. ... .html?_r=0 ... llible.htm
"No Pope was considered infallible until 1870 AD.

Pope Adrian VI - It is certain that the Pontiff ... may err in those things
which pertain to faith.
Pope Paul IV - I do not doubt that I and my predecessors may sometimes have
Archbishop Purcell said in his debate with Alexander Campbell in Cincinnati
on 1-13-1837: "the bishop of Rome, though he was not believed to be infallible.
Neither is he now. No enlightened Catholic holds the pope's infallibility of be
an article of faith. I do not; and none of my brethren, that I know of, do. The
Catholic believes the pope ... to be as liable to error, as almost any other man
in the universe. Man is man, and no man is infallible, either in doctrine or


In 1968 Pope Paul VI banned contraception other than abstinence and the rhythm
method. Since that time the world has expanded to seven billion people.


"A Brief History of Celibacy in the
Catholic Church

First Century
Peter, the first pope, and the apostles that Jesus chose were, for the most
part, married men. The New Testament implies that women presided at eucharistic
meals in the early church.

Second and Third Century
Age of Gnosticism: light and spirit are good, darkness and material things are
evil. A person cannot be married and be perfect. However, most priests were

Fourth Century
306-Council of Elvira, Spain, decree #43: a priest who sleeps with his wife the
night before Mass will lose his job.
325-Council of Nicea: decreed that after ordination a priest could not marry.
Proclaimed the Nicene Creed.
352-Council of Laodicea: women are not to be ordained. This suggests that before
this time there was ordination of women.
385-Pope Siricius left his wife in order to become pope. Decreed that priests
may no longer sleep with their wives."


352 AD 352-Council of Laodicea: decress that women must not be ordained,
implying that before this council there was ordination of women.

Other sites: ... arenes.htm

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