All Countries Kill And Abuse Animals



All countries kill & abuse many kinds of animals.

Argentina cattle ranches
Australia kangaroos
Bangladesh goat slaughter
Belgium emu slaughter
Belize shrimp farms
Bolivia llama slaughter

Botswana selling trophy hunters licenses to murder trophy animals
Brazil rainforest destruction for cattle ranch murder
Cambodia muntjac hunting (similar to deer)
Canada sealclubbing
China bear bile farms, bat wet markets etc.
Croatia chinchilla fur farms
Denmark slaughter of zoo animals
Finland reindeer murder
France eating tiny ortolan birds
Germany geese forcefeeding
Indonesia dog slaughter
Israel IDF bulldozing zoo and homes with living animals inside
Italy calves murdered for veal & leather
Ivory Coast chimp kidnapping
Japan dolphin stabbing
Korea dog meat
Mexico donkey abuse
Mozambique leopard trophy hunting
Myanmar illegal trade in tigers
Namibia trophy hunting rhino slaughter
New Zealand sheep
Norway whales
Philippines water buffalo hunting
Poland pig murder
Romania bear hunting
Russia sable fur trade
Saudi Arabia camel slaughter for Haj
Scotland: killing geese for fishermen's financial interests
South Africa lion trophy hunting
Spain bullfighting
Switzerland lab animal torture
Tibet yak murder
Turkmenistan dogfights
UK foxhunts and badger killing
US Bombing animals in many countries
Vatican: catechism defense of vivisection silence about Jesus eating no mammals or birds
Vietnam cat eating
Zambia monkeys murdered for their meat
Zimbabwe elephant trophy hunting
The previous tweets are an article in progress. Latin & Central American countries, E European, France, Italy and hopefully every other country will be added. In several countries virtually every animal on list is killed.

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