Senator Ron Johnson Forum Featuring Vaccine Side Effects



In the 5 days around Christmas of 2021, 3 soccer players

joined hundreds of athletes who have died of heart attacks

after receiving the covid vaccinations.

- Croatian Marin Cacic, 23 years old.
- Algerian Soufiane Lokar, 30 years old.
- Omani Makhlid Al Raqadi, 29 years old.


Senator Ron Johnson's public hearing on vaccine side effects
Where possible, exact words have been used. In others a description of the gist

of the testimony was used. The hearings also featured many
physicians who have disagreements with the government and big pharma
program, as well as several other guests who gave accounts of their
own vaccine side effects.
Cody Flint, agricultural pilot, nearly blacked out while piloting his plane after
receiving a vaccine. He has been ill for at least a year.

Theresa Long MD has treated soldiers suffering from vaccines. 200,000 soldiers have refused the vaccines'.
'We crash the equivalent of 3 Boeing 747's from medical errors. We are risking our entire military force on a vaccine with a mere
two months of safety data. The only woman in a Rangers class was dropped from the course
after experiencing effects of the vaccine. '
DES diethylstilbestrol a synthetic estrogen causes transgenerational infertility. This was not discovered
until girls 18 to 20 years old, children of mothers given DES, experienced infertility. It took 40 years for the medical establishment to discover that. Yet we are being asked to
take a vaccine tested for 2 months. All soldiers are being put in a plane pilloted by
someone who does not know how to fly a plane.
'In one morning I had to ground 3 out of 3 pilots because of vaccine effects. The response
was that my charts were pulled and I was told I would no longer be seeing soldiers with
vaccine effects. Fort Benning soldiers exercising their right to refuse vaccinations are encountering a lot of problems.
Ernest Ramirez broke down describing the death of
his son after the vaccine. He said he will be spending Christmas in the cemetery at the
grave of his son. Don't make the mistake I did, said Ernest. Vaccinating these children
is child abuse he said. They knew in December of 2020 that the vaccines cause heart
problems in the young. Why did they wait til October of 2021 to inform us.They murdered my son.
64 year old Douglas Cameron 'After vaccination I lost bladder control and experienced impotence. I felt as if I had drunk poison. I woke
up paralyzed from the diaphragm down.' He had a blood clot in his leg. His spinal column
was swollen and had heorrhaged. 'i was put on a ventilator. Today I am an unemployed because I took a vaccine shot.'
Susanna Newell. I was previously an active biker and triathlete. i was a valedictorian
in my high school. I got my 2nd Pfizer shot. I have constant extreme fatigue. Now i struggle to remember words. i have loud ringing in my ears. My body aches. I get muscle spass and
twitches. I have no relief for the pain in my
joints. I'm intermittently dizzy. Our cases are being hidden.
Dr Bob Kaplan of UCLA: We are told to listen to the science but scientists rarely agree. Secondly serious scholars have not been able to examine the FDA data. Vaccine makers don't honor requests for
raw data. Those who are questioning the vaccine are labeled antivaxxer.
There must be more transparency. if it's in the public interest it should be in the public
Vinay Prasad MD did not attend Senator Johnson's hearing but finds myocarditis and pericarditis very high in Ontario. The data
analyzed those who got Pfizer then Moderna, those who got Moderna then Pfizer,
those who got 2 Pfizer and those who got 2 Moderna.
Kyle Warner: I am a 29 year old mountain biker, 3 times a national
champion. I got pericarditis and reactive arthritis and am
unable now to work.
9. Dr Levy A principle of medicine is first do no harm.

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