Heart Ark

Jewish Teachers



Heark! Heark!

I speak of the


of my friend's heart

Unlike Noah's

it contains all beings

every cockroach

every lark

to Jan F


Omnipotent God

can cause any rod

to strike fountains

from stone mountains

or the waters of love

which dwell in each heart


The plant

of wandering Jew

has added more


to his tome

of poems

.. they

are of purple print

on pages of lime

Vegetarian Jews Isaiah Einstein Menuhin Hershaft Jesus

Karen Messer Nat Altman Michael Feldman J Ennis

A Cantor N Natelson L Yonish I Lucinsky B Pinkus

E Goldman Philip Pick

Isaiah said the lion will lie down with the lamb.. that there

will be no more harming on earth... and that

all should turn their weapons into plowshares*. Albert

Einstein .. a vegetarian who ate 1 bite of meat on Jewish

holidays to appease his wife who was ignorant of the true

meaning of the Talmud and Torah..  for the rest of his life

regretted that he had been part of the murderous Manhattan


Yehudi Menuhin used his violin as a needle to sew peace..

.. appearing before Arab populations... Alex Hershaft

has used his concentration camp reparations to promote

nonviolence.  Michael Feldman promotes humor to spread

peace and compassio for animals.

Jesus called those

who murder, dismember, and devour innocent animals sarcophagi

or flesheaters... King James translaters turned this word

sarcophagi into "whited sepulchres" and in truth

those who eat animals become their mobile cemeteries...

Consuming animals is a much more intimate

act than that of conjugal relations.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Plowshares too
are violent said Michael Pollan in the tree destroying NY Times.. that tractors
smash groundhogs suffocating them in their burrows.).

This poem was written
because one thought that criticism of
Netanyahu, Sharon
and the Likud is criticism
of Israel or of all Jews.

The patriarchic Bible
does not mention
many women's names
in the Jewish testaments.
There are millions of
women who are Jewish

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