
Olive trees

hundreds of years old

on an island the blue

sea enfolds

and the gold sun



clustered grape vines

porchroof trellises entwine

Genesis food

turning opponent rocks

and foe sands

into sweet violet orbs

and a rainbow spectrum

of olives


Blazing bluesky and seafoam white

and the white home sanctuaries

upon the heights

magnifying multiplying

the radiant light..

.. filling most beings

with unspoken delight

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Captain Corelli's Mandolin with Nicholas Cage Penelope Cruz and
John Hurt is a masterpiece.. dealing with issues of pacifism and nonpacifism at all times, specifically the Italian and German occupation of Greece. The scenes of the blue sea and blue purple mountains beyond are exquisite. The actors are brilliant.
The screenwriting is mystical. This little known chapter of history, the German massacre of thousands of Italian soldiers in Sept of 43, deserves more attention.
Captain Corelli of the Italian army has never pointed a gun at anyone.

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