Vegan B12, Mount Holyoke



Vegan B12
Vegans have been told by some that we need B12 supplements, while others have said we do not.
This writer read that vegan intestinal tracts are more alkaline than vegetarians' or nonvegetarians', that vegans can
metabolize our own B12, that B12 for carnivores
is cyanocobalamin, while vegan B12 is hydroxylcobalamin. Both kinds of B12 create red blood cells.
A Red Cross nurse told us that
vegans have more red blood cells than either vegetarians or nonvegetarians.

We would be interested in any studies about this from scientists not in the pay of drug, dairy, fish or meat interests, B12 supplements, or iconnected to institutions such as Harvard and Yale which
have had portfolios invested in the products of animal agriculture
and which have been paid by meat & dairy industries to do research.

There are many vegan primates. They are healthy and don't get B12 shots or pills. Do current blood tests have
the ability to distinguish between animal product
cyanocobalamin B12 and vegan hydroxylcobalamin B12?



Mt Holyoke

They know
in Mount Holyoke
that all oaks
are holy oaks
... whether
in winter meditation or
acorn-clad fall or
summergreen cloaks

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