When one realizes he
is One with God,
not only the Central
Sun's Creator.. but the Creator
of the universe..
he no longer concerns
himself with the rising
sign of a particular planet
at a particular time, for he
is not the diamond created
by the sunsparkle on the
crescent.. but the Creator
of all diamonds and all
Subsaharan Africa
is ruled by the sun
in pisces
and mercury in
infinite compassion
and a unique naming
of each being
Author's Notes/Comments:
The artist drew a pig
for the writer.. a little
piglet crying in a sandwich.. in 3 minutes
.. with a quality better
than any movie studio..
He once told me that
he remembered being
an Austrian artist..
lined up by the Nazis..
trying to get to the
back of the several lines
being machine gunned
one by one.. when he
realized death was
inevitable he went
to the front line..
and after his body
was killed he hovered
above it for a while..
and followed it
to the crematorium
.. and then watched
as the ashes were
scattered over the hills
.. in the spring he
saw African violets
come up.. God's metaphor
for his next life
.. as an African American