*14 Poems Freedom

Short Poems

They called the wind lackadaisical
but because she in freedom blows
the world will never ...........lack for daisies
They thought the moon needed cloudwings to fly but the next night they
saw her soar alone in the sky.
Herr heron no longer the freed herring hearing
Watching raindrop beads spark seeds into weeds..
was his creed.. and not what any other had decreed
One said that marriage is a tree.. do not break its boughs
Another said: as a river flows beyond banks, the past's vows.. to the
present bow..

Spring melts snowflakes. Joy pops balloons. Roots burst
the vase. Love breaks the cage.
Dracula was free to think God's gladiolas gaudy.. and to dislike
the morning luster.. of a seabubble cluster.
Some like earthworms eat dirt and die.
Others like caterpillars become butterflies.
Bell tongs chime... bird flight time
If there were left 1 sheet
of Shakespeare's original words
Picasso would it erase that he could ink the space.
Those who ordained that a fork goes to plateleft
are the ones who use it as a fleshspear. Their rules bind
Free are the butterflies who as babies feasted on the leaves of
the trees round Cherry Blossom Bay

A Dragonfly on daffodil alights.. having donned a more dazzling dress
as well as the gift of flight

On a March clothesline
.. transparent icicles in a row
.. dripping and glowing in the

Exclamation marks! ! ! ! !
a sentence of joyful exclamation

      ! ! ! ! ! ! !

with no need of explanation

And on the gutters..
dripping into clear pools below
icicles of varying lengths
.. a transparent music scale
sing of spring

  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(to L Umana)


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