Babe's Peers

They turned your screaming


pigs into soup

.. they carved off their

fat.. and made it soap

.. their blood did

into soil seep

compare this to

bees .. at blooms

they sip

on fruits they sup

while trees in joy

rise with sap

(to James Cromwell

.. magnificent actor,

vegan, and sit in participant

at fast food chains)



Mothers and fathers

near the Firth of Forth

give their farthings

for any movie in which

Colin Firth

ventures forth


Why did God

make him blind?

Perhaps that there be

no distractions to..

no deflections of

the special music

he was destined

to gift to the world..

Perhaps God wanted him

to focus on the Divine


within all Songs

Just so ..

many are spiritually unsighted

in 1 area or another..

that like horses with blinders

.. they focus on their

special kismet

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Procter and Gamble
has had pig lard in Ivory
and in Pert..
coconut oil is so prolific
.. 9 times as much per
acre as soybean oil..
that it has been in
some cases tariffed out
of markets.. when it
helps reforest the world

In awarding a Shaker Heights math teacher who
uses marshmallow mouth stuffing contests, the
White House has been promoting Mad Cow. Marshmallows contain
gelatin. Dr David Heymann of the World Health Organization
said on the CBC that Mad Cow can be an epidemic with a 50
year incubation period.

NPR as well is promoting jello (gelatin) on a Saturday
"Satellite Sisters" show.

(Junior Mints owned by Cambridge Foods of Chicago Il 60629
used to be on the PETA vegan list, but gelatin .. or ground
up bones of animals.. has been added)

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