They turned your screaming
pigs into soup
.. they carved off their
fat.. and made it soap
.. their blood did
into soil seep
compare this to
bees .. at blooms
they sip
on fruits they sup
while trees in joy
rise with sap
(to James Cromwell
.. magnificent actor,
vegan, and sit in participant
at fast food chains)
Mothers and fathers
near the Firth of Forth
give their farthings
for any movie in which
Colin Firth
ventures forth
Why did God
make him blind?
Perhaps that there be
no distractions to..
no deflections of
the special music
he was destined
to gift to the world..
Perhaps God wanted him
to focus on the Divine
within all Songs
Just so ..
many are spiritually unsighted
in 1 area or another..
that like horses with blinders
.. they focus on their
special kismet