*10 Poems Gratitude

Short Poems

Little Tree, Little Tree, I wonder where you are
to thank you for the sweet pink fruit you did weave
from distant star.
A dog is so cheaply bought.. He sells his heart
for all eternity for a handful of popcorn
Birds chirp and cheep above the school chapel, for Chips
no longer serves chops to the chaps.
Tiny wisps, the many teats on the grey cloud..
who nurses the trees as she passes out of form.
Every day at six heures we thank God for enkindling Cesar
Winter when God's unseen gift of breath becomes visible.
The horse has run her heart out for her 'owner''s bank
account.. and her reward? the slavery of a stall
A heavy storm... squirrels thankful.. for pine cones have landed..
near their laps
The Franciscan friar ate no friers
and thus made the fellow fliers
more safe from fire
Sunrise is apple fall

A dog is so cheaply bought is to Karen Anderson,
  protector, feeder, and healer of every stray human
  or animal who comes her way

Six Heures is to Cesar Chavez, the UFW, and all the unions
and individuals who have helped with victories


   (In actuality, who benefited from the crash?
Competitors of Lloyds of London which insured the plane.
Competitors of the French made Airbus. The grease fire is just one of thousands of explanations
   for plane crashes... Grease fire
   puts restaurants at the top of the fire list
   and planes are airborn restaurants.. dealing
   with a lot of electricity)

   St Francis, St Martin De Porres, Trappist
   monks, early Benedictines and Cistercians, Ellen White of the SDA, General
   Booth of the Salvation Army
   Wesley first Methodist all followed Jesus in eating no animals
   (see v 6 of his collected writings)
   see how your meat is made

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